Instrumentation and components
V.Varlamov, I.Rodin
Shimadzu’s Innovative GC-MS and LC-MS Equipment for 21st Century Laboratory Practice In recent years in addition to the analytical equipment and standard applications in science and chemical industry appears interest in introduction of modern innovative systems in new fields of medicine, pharmacology, control of environmental pollution, as well as high-technology sectors of the economy. Shimadzu is a world leader in the field of analytical instrumentation. The range of analytical instruments is very broad and includes chromatographic and mass spectrometric equipment, devices for optical and X-ray spectroscopy, and testing machines, various accessories, and even laboratory scales.
Shimadzu’s Innovative GC-MS and LC-MS Equipment for 21st Century Laboratory Practice In recent years in addition to the analytical equipment and standard applications in science and chemical industry appears interest in introduction of modern innovative systems in new fields of medicine, pharmacology, control of environmental pollution, as well as high-technology sectors of the economy. Shimadzu is a world leader in the field of analytical instrumentation. The range of analytical instruments is very broad and includes chromatographic and mass spectrometric equipment, devices for optical and X-ray spectroscopy, and testing machines, various accessories, and even laboratory scales.
Tags: innovative gc-ms lc-ms spectrometric equipment инновационные спектрометрическое оборудование хромато-масс-спектрометры
Shimadzu’s Up-to-Date Ultra-Fast Liquid Chromatograph and Mass spectrometer High performance liquid chromatography and chromato-mass-spectrometry (HPLC-MS) is one of the most useful methods of instrumental analysis. Shimadzu Corp., a leading manufacturer of HPLC equipment, constantly improves its products to meet user’s needs optimally. Recently the company introduced a new versatile modular system Nexera for ultra-fast high-resolution liquid chromatography. This article describes its unique features and capabilities.
Shimadzu’s Up-to-Date Ultra-Fast Liquid Chromatograph and Mass spectrometer High performance liquid chromatography and chromato-mass-spectrometry (HPLC-MS) is one of the most useful methods of instrumental analysis. Shimadzu Corp., a leading manufacturer of HPLC equipment, constantly improves its products to meet user’s needs optimally. Recently the company introduced a new versatile modular system Nexera for ultra-fast high-resolution liquid chromatography. This article describes its unique features and capabilities.
Analytik Jena’s Amplificators for fast PCR In modern contagious disease diagnostics it is impossible to overlook PCR (polymerase chain reaction) diagnostic method, interest in which continues to grow during the last decades. Advanced technical ideas propose more and more new and perfect instrumentation for successful PCR method applications.
Analytik Jena’s Amplificators for fast PCR In modern contagious disease diagnostics it is impossible to overlook PCR (polymerase chain reaction) diagnostic method, interest in which continues to grow during the last decades. Advanced technical ideas propose more and more new and perfect instrumentation for successful PCR method applications.
I.Sukhanova, M.Dikunets, G.Rodchenkov, T.Sobolevsky, E.Virus
Nanotechnology in Doping Control. Application Aspects of Sample Preparation by Magnetic Separation A new method of doping specimens extraction from human urine using nanotechnologic ferromagnetic microparticles with modified by С18 groups surfaces is proposed. With the help of this method extraction degree of targets under investigation from human biofluids is approximately 100%, as the compound ionization quenching effect by matrix components is minimal. Time to prepare one sample for analysis by high performance liquid chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectroscopy is 5 minutes.
Nanotechnology in Doping Control. Application Aspects of Sample Preparation by Magnetic Separation A new method of doping specimens extraction from human urine using nanotechnologic ferromagnetic microparticles with modified by С18 groups surfaces is proposed. With the help of this method extraction degree of targets under investigation from human biofluids is approximately 100%, as the compound ionization quenching effect by matrix components is minimal. Time to prepare one sample for analysis by high performance liquid chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectroscopy is 5 minutes.
Tags: doping control hplc-ms magnetic separation microextraction вэжх-мс допинг-контроль магнитная сепарация микроэкстракция
Y.Russkikh, L.Nekrasova, Е.Chernova, V.Nikiforov, Z.Zhakovskaya
Determination of Organic Contaminants from the List of HELCOM Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometer LTQ Orbitrap The list of hazardous substances for the environmental monitoring was set up in the context of Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) by the member countries of HELCOM including Russia. These substances, which are produced and used in the Baltic Sea region countries, are considered to be the characteristic pollutants of the Baltic Sea ecosystem and should be monitored and standardized in biota, as well as in water and bottom sediments. Currently there are no analytical methods for the detection of the majority of these HELCOM pollutants in the Russian Federation. The LCMS analytical methods for identification of individual substances or groups of similar compounds are developed in the international laboratory practice. The present article describes an analytical method for the simultaneous detection of a number of the HELCOM pollutants.
Determination of Organic Contaminants from the List of HELCOM Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometer LTQ Orbitrap The list of hazardous substances for the environmental monitoring was set up in the context of Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) by the member countries of HELCOM including Russia. These substances, which are produced and used in the Baltic Sea region countries, are considered to be the characteristic pollutants of the Baltic Sea ecosystem and should be monitored and standardized in biota, as well as in water and bottom sediments. Currently there are no analytical methods for the detection of the majority of these HELCOM pollutants in the Russian Federation. The LCMS analytical methods for identification of individual substances or groups of similar compounds are developed in the international laboratory practice. The present article describes an analytical method for the simultaneous detection of a number of the HELCOM pollutants.
Tags: helcom hplc mrm mrm – режим orbitrap perfluorinated organic acids вэжх orbitrap перфторорганические кислоты хелком
A.Yashin, Y.Yashin, N.Chernousova, P.Fedina
Determination of Natural Antioxidants in Cereal Grains and Bean Cultures As numerous epidemiological and clinical researches confirm, that antioxidants can protect a person from dangerous diseases and aging interest in natural antioxidants last decade constantly grows. The strongest natural antioxidants are flavanoids and oxiaromatic (phenolic) acids. Weaker antioxidants are vitamins E, C and carotenoids. The total content of antioxidants and their antioxidant activity is fully enough established in vegetables, fruits, drinks. However few researches are intended to determinate grain crops antioxidant activity though they are considered as one of the basic components of food, including the Mediterranean diet. Authors of this article want to meet this lack.
Determination of Natural Antioxidants in Cereal Grains and Bean Cultures As numerous epidemiological and clinical researches confirm, that antioxidants can protect a person from dangerous diseases and aging interest in natural antioxidants last decade constantly grows. The strongest natural antioxidants are flavanoids and oxiaromatic (phenolic) acids. Weaker antioxidants are vitamins E, C and carotenoids. The total content of antioxidants and their antioxidant activity is fully enough established in vegetables, fruits, drinks. However few researches are intended to determinate grain crops antioxidant activity though they are considered as one of the basic components of food, including the Mediterranean diet. Authors of this article want to meet this lack.
T.Ezhevskaya, A.Bublikov
IR Fourier Transform Spectrometers with Specific Attachments (ATR, IR Microscope and so on). Measurement Distinctive Features IR Fourier transform spectrometry instrumentation is sufficiently simple and reliable, it can work in the field, at production lines and so on. Common rules and recommendations that can be very useful for researches that recently began to master spectral analysis and also for laboratories team members that already have Fourier transform spectrometers in their arsenal and plan to extend their features by acquisition of additional accessories are presented.
IR Fourier Transform Spectrometers with Specific Attachments (ATR, IR Microscope and so on). Measurement Distinctive Features IR Fourier transform spectrometry instrumentation is sufficiently simple and reliable, it can work in the field, at production lines and so on. Common rules and recommendations that can be very useful for researches that recently began to master spectral analysis and also for laboratories team members that already have Fourier transform spectrometers in their arsenal and plan to extend their features by acquisition of additional accessories are presented.
Tags: ir fourier transform spectrometers spectral analysis ик фурье-спектрометры спектральный анализ
Steven F.Eaton and Chris Stumpf
Maximizing the Value of Scientific Data How a scientific data management system helped Waters Corp., a LC column leader manufacturer to decrease operational costs and accelerate product delivery? How to adjust operating processes and provide live information to specialists in USA and Ireland? How to get on line access to process test information from any place of the world? All these problems are reviewed in Waters Corp. specialists’ article.
Maximizing the Value of Scientific Data How a scientific data management system helped Waters Corp., a LC column leader manufacturer to decrease operational costs and accelerate product delivery? How to adjust operating processes and provide live information to specialists in USA and Ireland? How to get on line access to process test information from any place of the world? All these problems are reviewed in Waters Corp. specialists’ article.
Tags: analytical equipment lc column sdms аналитическое оборудование сунд хроматографические колонки
Harmonization of Russian Federation and International (global) Analytical Control Methods. Foodstuff Industry International Standards and Regulations Implementation Difficulties The Eighth Ministerial Conference approved Russia’s WTO membership. Russian Federation should become a fully-fledged WTO member by September 2012 after ratification of the accession package. For the benefit of accession, Russia has agreed to lower average import tariff from 13.2 to 7.8%. The average tariff ceiling for agriculture products will be cut down from 13.2% to 10.8%, tariff for manufactured goods will be 7.3% vs. 9.5% today. The final bound rate implementation period is eight years for pork, and seven years for automobiles, helicopters and civil aircraft. Russian Federation also should ensure that all legislation related to technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures complies with the WTO Technical barriers to trade Agreement.
Harmonization of Russian Federation and International (global) Analytical Control Methods. Foodstuff Industry International Standards and Regulations Implementation Difficulties The Eighth Ministerial Conference approved Russia’s WTO membership. Russian Federation should become a fully-fledged WTO member by September 2012 after ratification of the accession package. For the benefit of accession, Russia has agreed to lower average import tariff from 13.2 to 7.8%. The average tariff ceiling for agriculture products will be cut down from 13.2% to 10.8%, tariff for manufactured goods will be 7.3% vs. 9.5% today. The final bound rate implementation period is eight years for pork, and seven years for automobiles, helicopters and civil aircraft. Russian Federation also should ensure that all legislation related to technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures complies with the WTO Technical barriers to trade Agreement.
E.Abramova, N.Alekseeva, A.Egorov
Instrumentation and Analytical Methods Attestation/Qualification (Validation) when Carrying out Pharmaceutical Production This article is devoted to development of normalized approaches and document forms in the process of carrying attestation/qualification (validation) procedures in pharmaceutical production. Examples of developed by the authors approaches to instrumentation and analytical methods applications are given.
Instrumentation and Analytical Methods Attestation/Qualification (Validation) when Carrying out Pharmaceutical Production This article is devoted to development of normalized approaches and document forms in the process of carrying attestation/qualification (validation) procedures in pharmaceutical production. Examples of developed by the authors approaches to instrumentation and analytical methods applications are given.