Exhibitions and Conferences
Instrumentation and components
E. Zablotskaya
Half a Century of Photometers from Jena – the SPECORD Celebrates Its Anniversary When Carl Zeiss founded the Optical Workshop in Jena in 1846, this was the starting point for industrial production of analytical instruments worldwide. It was in 1995 when Analytik Jena AG acquired the product section of lab analysis technology from the by then well-established Carl Zeiss Jena company. The company draws on the 150 years of tradition and is closely committed to the historic achievements of E.Abbe and K.Zeiss. Analytik Jena’s premium products “made in Germany” stand for the highest quality standards.
Half a Century of Photometers from Jena – the SPECORD Celebrates Its Anniversary When Carl Zeiss founded the Optical Workshop in Jena in 1846, this was the starting point for industrial production of analytical instruments worldwide. It was in 1995 when Analytik Jena AG acquired the product section of lab analysis technology from the by then well-established Carl Zeiss Jena company. The company draws on the 150 years of tradition and is closely committed to the historic achievements of E.Abbe and K.Zeiss. Analytik Jena’s premium products “made in Germany” stand for the highest quality standards.
Tags: analytik jena specord specord. spectrophotometer spectrophotometry спектрофотометр спектрофотометрия
V.Kopachevski, V.Baikou
Determination of Light Elements (Li, Be, B) in Glass with the Analyzer LEA-S500 Determination of chemical composition in different materials is an actual task in many spheres of scientific research, industry, diagnostics, ecology, security, etc.
There are many methods of analysis, each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
The article reports the results of determination of elemental composition of glass with different composition of oxides with the help of Laser Elemental Analyzer LEA-S500 as well as the advantages of LIBS method when measuring light elements.
Determination of Light Elements (Li, Be, B) in Glass with the Analyzer LEA-S500 Determination of chemical composition in different materials is an actual task in many spheres of scientific research, industry, diagnostics, ecology, security, etc.
There are many methods of analysis, each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
The article reports the results of determination of elemental composition of glass with different composition of oxides with the help of Laser Elemental Analyzer LEA-S500 as well as the advantages of LIBS method when measuring light elements.
V. Rumyantsev
Granulometric Analysis with Using the Laser Analyzers Series SALD Shimadzu Granulometric analysis is one of important part
for scientific research and quality control.
At present time particle size analyzers are needful instrument for all up-to-date laboratory, because
they give precise results in short time.
Shimadzu produced wide range laser analyzers
for high-precision measurement from nano
up to millimeters.
Granulometric Analysis with Using the Laser Analyzers Series SALD Shimadzu Granulometric analysis is one of important part
for scientific research and quality control.
At present time particle size analyzers are needful instrument for all up-to-date laboratory, because
they give precise results in short time.
Shimadzu produced wide range laser analyzers
for high-precision measurement from nano
up to millimeters.
Tags: autosampler granulometric analysis laser analyzers автосамплер гранулометрический анализ лазерные анализаторы
O. Pokrovskiy
Sample Preparation by Supercritical Fluid Extraction in Chemical Analysis The article describes the basics of supercritical fluid extraction technology and its usage as a sample preparation technique in chemical analysis. Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide offers a number of benefits in comparison with traditional liquid extraction. It primarily refers to a vast range of selectivity tuning tools, speed of extraction, high matrix permeation ability of supercritical fluids, low cost of main solvent component and easiness of solvent removal after extraction. Several examples of this technology employment in analysis of both natural products and synthetic materials are given.
Sample Preparation by Supercritical Fluid Extraction in Chemical Analysis The article describes the basics of supercritical fluid extraction technology and its usage as a sample preparation technique in chemical analysis. Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide offers a number of benefits in comparison with traditional liquid extraction. It primarily refers to a vast range of selectivity tuning tools, speed of extraction, high matrix permeation ability of supercritical fluids, low cost of main solvent component and easiness of solvent removal after extraction. Several examples of this technology employment in analysis of both natural products and synthetic materials are given.
Tags: sample preparation selectivity. supercritical fluid extraction supercritical fluids пробоподготовка сверхкритическая флюидная экстракция сверхкритический флюид селективность
O. Melkina, I. Manukhov, S. Antonova, A.Pushkov, I. Malakhova, V. Krasikov, A. Yanenko, S.Sineokii.
Determination of L-Homoserine in Cultural Broths Using Hptlc As an Express Method Quantitative high performance thin-layer chromatography was used for L - homoserine analysis in cultural broths. Using a “PRIZMA” model, a high-efficient mobile phase was created that makes it possible to separate homoserine, threonine, glysine, valine, alanine, lysine and glutamic acid, containing cultural broth during 25 min. There was carried out the validation of created method.
Determination of L-Homoserine in Cultural Broths Using Hptlc As an Express Method Quantitative high performance thin-layer chromatography was used for L - homoserine analysis in cultural broths. Using a “PRIZMA” model, a high-efficient mobile phase was created that makes it possible to separate homoserine, threonine, glysine, valine, alanine, lysine and glutamic acid, containing cultural broth during 25 min. There was carried out the validation of created method.
Tags: aminoacids high performance thin-layer chromatography homoserine scanning densitometry validation. аминокислоты валидация гомосерин количественная тонкослойная хроматография нингидриновый реактив
J.Wills, D.Kutscher, G.Lecornet,
Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products for Their Elemental Impurities Using the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS The article is devoted to verification of conformity of characteristics of the mass spectrometer with inductive-coupled plasma Thermo Scientific іСАР Qс requirements of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) on determination of impurities trace elements in drugs. All sample preparation, measurement and data evaluation are compatible with the guidelines defined in USP chapters 232 Elemental Impurities – Limits and 233 Elemental Impurities – Procedures, published inFebruary 2013.
Keywords: impurities trace elements, United States Pharmacopeia (USP), mass spectrometer
Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products for Their Elemental Impurities Using the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS The article is devoted to verification of conformity of characteristics of the mass spectrometer with inductive-coupled plasma Thermo Scientific іСАР Qс requirements of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) on determination of impurities trace elements in drugs. All sample preparation, measurement and data evaluation are compatible with the guidelines defined in USP chapters 232 Elemental Impurities – Limits and 233 Elemental Impurities – Procedures, published inFebruary 2013.
Keywords: impurities trace elements, United States Pharmacopeia (USP), mass spectrometer
Tags: impurities trace elements mass spectrometer with inductive-coupled plasma united states pharmacopeia (usp) масс-спектрометр с индуктивно-связанной плазмой примеси элементов фармакопея сша
Application of automatic online LC-MS/MS system for new method development In recent years for determine drugs the most widely used method is HPLC combined with tandem mass spectrometry. Samples of blood, plasma , urine , etc. analyzed in this way are always multicomponent mixture containing a significant amount of difficult to identify interfering components. In the present article provides an overview of the main methods of sample preparation for MS/MS analysis. The advantages of automated sample preparation systems based on the on-line SPE are shown. The example of effective technology to develop a new method of analysis of quinapril and its metabolites on automatic on-line-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS system is described.
Application of automatic online LC-MS/MS system for new method development In recent years for determine drugs the most widely used method is HPLC combined with tandem mass spectrometry. Samples of blood, plasma , urine , etc. analyzed in this way are always multicomponent mixture containing a significant amount of difficult to identify interfering components. In the present article provides an overview of the main methods of sample preparation for MS/MS analysis. The advantages of automated sample preparation systems based on the on-line SPE are shown. The example of effective technology to develop a new method of analysis of quinapril and its metabolites on automatic on-line-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS system is described.
Tags: automatic on-line spe solid phase extraction tandem mass spectrometry автоматическая онлайн-тфэ масс-спектрометрия твердофазная экстракция
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