Competent opinion
Instrumentation and components
SHIMADZU: Novel Analytical and Testing Equipment Shimadzu Corporation, leading global manufacturer of analytical and testing equipment, presents new hardware models.
SHIMADZU: Novel Analytical and Testing Equipment Shimadzu Corporation, leading global manufacturer of analytical and testing equipment, presents new hardware models.
Tags: gas chromatography ir spectroscopy mass spectrometry газовая хроматография ик-спектроскопия масс-спектрометрия
Moxtek’s MXDPP-50: X-ray Detection Performance Characterizations Moxtek’s full energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence detector solution features our MXDPP-50 electronics and XPIN Si-PIN detectors. We will present characterization methods and measurement details of the DPP with
Moxtek’s XPIN detectors.
Moxtek’s MXDPP-50: X-ray Detection Performance Characterizations Moxtek’s full energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence detector solution features our MXDPP-50 electronics and XPIN Si-PIN detectors. We will present characterization methods and measurement details of the DPP with
Moxtek’s XPIN detectors.
Tags: dsp spectrometric pulse x-ray detector детектор рентгеновского излучения цифровой процессор спектрометрических импульсов
V.Kopachevskiy, A.Shabusov, S.Bril
ESCORT SM OEM-Spectrophotometer: High-Precision Control and Optimization of Thin-Film Optical Coating Application High-precision monitoring of optical thickness for each layer is necessary while applying modern thin-film optical coating with the number of layers up to several hundreds. It is also important to have a tool to control application process in order to obtain layer thickness corresponding to design value. Authors offer to solve the problem connected with monitoring and control of applying thin-film coatings using ESCORT SM precision OEM spectrophotometer. ESCORT SM OEM spectrophotometer provides a reliable support for the processes of optical coating application by quick and precise measurement of transmission or reflection spectra for the coating being applied, which are necessary to control and optimize the process.
ESCORT SM OEM-Spectrophotometer: High-Precision Control and Optimization of Thin-Film Optical Coating Application High-precision monitoring of optical thickness for each layer is necessary while applying modern thin-film optical coating with the number of layers up to several hundreds. It is also important to have a tool to control application process in order to obtain layer thickness corresponding to design value. Authors offer to solve the problem connected with monitoring and control of applying thin-film coatings using ESCORT SM precision OEM spectrophotometer. ESCORT SM OEM spectrophotometer provides a reliable support for the processes of optical coating application by quick and precise measurement of transmission or reflection spectra for the coating being applied, which are necessary to control and optimize the process.
Tags: spectrophotometer the reflection and transmission spectra thin film coating спектрофотометр спектры отражения и пропускания тонкопленочное покрытие
A.Talibova, M.Tokarev, М.Ryzov
Olympic Sports: Methods of Doping Control Modern high performance sport is the industry which the most recent advances of pharmaceutical sector, medicine and science work for. The main events in the sport world such as world or continent championships, Olympic Games are not only the apex of career of the individual but also the arena for competitions of the most recent scientific innovations intended for the promotion and stimulation of the sportsman physical qualities. International Olympic Committee (IOC) makes the cornerstone of “pure sport” concept based on the following arguments for the doping control: doping is inadmissible for moral and ethical reasons because it is prohibited; doping gives one-sided advantage to sportsmen over their competitors who do not apply doping; doping prohibition is determined by the sportsman health concerns. This article covers the methods of doping control.
Olympic Sports: Methods of Doping Control Modern high performance sport is the industry which the most recent advances of pharmaceutical sector, medicine and science work for. The main events in the sport world such as world or continent championships, Olympic Games are not only the apex of career of the individual but also the arena for competitions of the most recent scientific innovations intended for the promotion and stimulation of the sportsman physical qualities. International Olympic Committee (IOC) makes the cornerstone of “pure sport” concept based on the following arguments for the doping control: doping is inadmissible for moral and ethical reasons because it is prohibited; doping gives one-sided advantage to sportsmen over their competitors who do not apply doping; doping prohibition is determined by the sportsman health concerns. This article covers the methods of doping control.
Y.Kalambet, S.Maltsev, Y.Kozmin
Data Processing: How to Improve Calibration? The article sums up experiences of software development for chromatography and user's support considering approaches to enhancing findings accuracy for chemical assay in general and for the chromatography in particular. To ensure a simple presentation the discussion is limited to case studying featuring linear and direct proportion calibration. Special attention is paid to selecting a calibration model and validation thereof.
Data Processing: How to Improve Calibration? The article sums up experiences of software development for chromatography and user's support considering approaches to enhancing findings accuracy for chemical assay in general and for the chromatography in particular. To ensure a simple presentation the discussion is limited to case studying featuring linear and direct proportion calibration. Special attention is paid to selecting a calibration model and validation thereof.
Tags: a linear calibration chromatography the confidence interval доверительный интервал линейная градуировка хроматография
D.Minakov, I.Grinstein, P.Semenov
Chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbons in bottom marine deposits Marine oil pollution occurs mostly due to accidents during offshore oil extraction, tanker wrecks, or oil spills by enterprises of coastal zone. Marine oil spill volumes grow from year to year. This situation threatens the ecological balance of seas or oceans and coastal territories. Therefore environmental oil pollution monitoring with the use of precision analytical procedures becomes urgent. This work presents results of chromato-graphic analysis application to determine linear hydrocarbons of the С5–С12 series in bottom deposits using solid-phase microextraction. Optimal conditions of sample preparation are established; factors affecting the efficiency of components extraction from bottom deposits are investigated, and influence of a bottom deposit nature on the analyte extraction
degree is studied.
Chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbons in bottom marine deposits Marine oil pollution occurs mostly due to accidents during offshore oil extraction, tanker wrecks, or oil spills by enterprises of coastal zone. Marine oil spill volumes grow from year to year. This situation threatens the ecological balance of seas or oceans and coastal territories. Therefore environmental oil pollution monitoring with the use of precision analytical procedures becomes urgent. This work presents results of chromato-graphic analysis application to determine linear hydrocarbons of the С5–С12 series in bottom deposits using solid-phase microextraction. Optimal conditions of sample preparation are established; factors affecting the efficiency of components extraction from bottom deposits are investigated, and influence of a bottom deposit nature on the analyte extraction
degree is studied.
Tags: environmental monitoring oil pollution solid-phase microextraction загрязнение нефтепродуктами твердофазная микроэкстракция экологический мониторинг
Analysis of the hydrocarbon fuel through chromatographic methods The stable and accurate analysis of the hydrocarbon composition and additives is required at factories that produce motor fuels in the process of developing of the formulations and manufacturing technology. A fuel must provide the vehicle engine operating in a wide range of operating conditions. For this purpose, manufacturer and consumer need to know with a high confidence such gasoline characteristics as individual, group and fractional composition, and also antiknock rating, density, vapor pressure, sulfur content, oxidation stability, corrosion resistance and other properties that have to be combined so that to provide the satisfactory engine performance. In addition, the measures have taken to improve the environmental disposal of fuel, so the additives are introduced for more complete combustion and emissions reduction.
Analysis of the hydrocarbon fuel through chromatographic methods The stable and accurate analysis of the hydrocarbon composition and additives is required at factories that produce motor fuels in the process of developing of the formulations and manufacturing technology. A fuel must provide the vehicle engine operating in a wide range of operating conditions. For this purpose, manufacturer and consumer need to know with a high confidence such gasoline characteristics as individual, group and fractional composition, and also antiknock rating, density, vapor pressure, sulfur content, oxidation stability, corrosion resistance and other properties that have to be combined so that to provide the satisfactory engine performance. In addition, the measures have taken to improve the environmental disposal of fuel, so the additives are introduced for more complete combustion and emissions reduction.
Tags: chromatographic methods corrosion hydrocarbon fuel коррозия углеводородное топливо хроматографические методы
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