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Lab on a chip and robotics of Organic Synthesis. The first steps from dream to reality One of the important trends in the development of modern research in the field of synthesis of new organic compounds and screening based on these substances for a given biological activity and physicochemical properties is the technology of their preparation in trace amounts. The article discusses the advantages of the new trends that emerged at the interface of organic chemistry, materials science achievements, precision instruments, microelectronics and computer technology, and has received the name Lab on a chip – a laboratory on a chip. The author discusses the methodology for the synthesis of new compounds in the flow microreactors combined with modern analytical methods, test of bioactivity on the biochip and "virtual screening" efficient structure.
Lab on a chip and robotics of Organic Synthesis. The first steps from dream to reality One of the important trends in the development of modern research in the field of synthesis of new organic compounds and screening based on these substances for a given biological activity and physicochemical properties is the technology of their preparation in trace amounts. The article discusses the advantages of the new trends that emerged at the interface of organic chemistry, materials science achievements, precision instruments, microelectronics and computer technology, and has received the name Lab on a chip – a laboratory on a chip. The author discusses the methodology for the synthesis of new compounds in the flow microreactors combined with modern analytical methods, test of bioactivity on the biochip and "virtual screening" efficient structure.
T.Sobolevsky, M.Dikunets, G.Dudko, G.Rodchenkov
Detection of conjugated metabolites of steroids as exemplified by trenbolone We have studied the phase II metabolism of trenbolone by direct analysis of diluted post-administration urine samples using liquid chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometry. Our findings confirmed that epitrenbolone glucuronide is the major metabolite of trenbolone. However, a peak was identified, which was characterized by means of LC-HRMS method as a cysteinyl conjugate of (epi)trenbolone.
Having analyzed our reference collection urine samples positive for trenbolone, including external quality assurance samples from World Anti-Doping Agency, we have found that epitrenbolone glucuronide and cysteinyl conjugate were detectable in every sample by dilute-n-shoot method. The lowest concentration
of epitrenbolone in these samples was ca. 0.5 ng/ml (equivalent to aglycone). The peak area ratio for cysteinyl/glucuronide conjugates was typically 0.1–0.8, with a maximum value
of 25 in one of the excretion urines.
Detection of conjugated metabolites of steroids as exemplified by trenbolone We have studied the phase II metabolism of trenbolone by direct analysis of diluted post-administration urine samples using liquid chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometry. Our findings confirmed that epitrenbolone glucuronide is the major metabolite of trenbolone. However, a peak was identified, which was characterized by means of LC-HRMS method as a cysteinyl conjugate of (epi)trenbolone.
Having analyzed our reference collection urine samples positive for trenbolone, including external quality assurance samples from World Anti-Doping Agency, we have found that epitrenbolone glucuronide and cysteinyl conjugate were detectable in every sample by dilute-n-shoot method. The lowest concentration
of epitrenbolone in these samples was ca. 0.5 ng/ml (equivalent to aglycone). The peak area ratio for cysteinyl/glucuronide conjugates was typically 0.1–0.8, with a maximum value
of 25 in one of the excretion urines.
Tags: chromatography and mass spectrometry epitrenbolone glucuronide metabolism глюкуронид эпитренболона метаболизм хромато-масс-спектрометрия
D. Farmakovskiy
The use of Shimadzu LC-MS/MS for clinical laboratory diagnostic Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, one of the largest global manufacturers of the analytical, measuring and medical equipment, is guided by the principle "Contributing to Society through Science and Technology". The Company's portfolio includes more than thousand technical solutions and practical applications for medical diagnostic, healthcare, pharmaceutical industry, food quality and safety, environmental protection, process safety etc. Some practical approaches to using of Shimadzu LC-MS/MS for clinical laboratory diagnostic are described
in this article.
The use of Shimadzu LC-MS/MS for clinical laboratory diagnostic Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, one of the largest global manufacturers of the analytical, measuring and medical equipment, is guided by the principle "Contributing to Society through Science and Technology". The Company's portfolio includes more than thousand technical solutions and practical applications for medical diagnostic, healthcare, pharmaceutical industry, food quality and safety, environmental protection, process safety etc. Some practical approaches to using of Shimadzu LC-MS/MS for clinical laboratory diagnostic are described
in this article.
Tags: catecholamines clinical laboratory diagnostic dopamine epinephrine immunosuppressive drugs lc-ms/ms mass spectrometry norepinephrine steroids адреналин вэжх-мс/мс дофамин иммунодепрессанты катехоламины клиническая лабораторная диагностика масс-спектрометрия норадреналин стероидные гормоны стероиды
H.Wünsche, D.Sievers
MARKERLABEL-FREE PROTEIN ASSAY BY BIO-LAYER INTERFEROMETRY The protein examinations requires label-free analytical technologies without use of expensive & affecting the results labels. Systems without microfluids, providing ease of use, higher throughput and significantly larger data set are used more and more widely. One of effective methods of protein interaction measurements in real-time mode is based on light interference and is called bio-layer interferometry. Devices working on this principle allow you rapid and complex study of viruses and vaccines, RNA and DNA interaction (with proteins), protein-lipid interaction, characterization of antibodies and antibody fragments, new drugs development and others.
MARKERLABEL-FREE PROTEIN ASSAY BY BIO-LAYER INTERFEROMETRY The protein examinations requires label-free analytical technologies without use of expensive & affecting the results labels. Systems without microfluids, providing ease of use, higher throughput and significantly larger data set are used more and more widely. One of effective methods of protein interaction measurements in real-time mode is based on light interference and is called bio-layer interferometry. Devices working on this principle allow you rapid and complex study of viruses and vaccines, RNA and DNA interaction (with proteins), protein-lipid interaction, characterization of antibodies and antibody fragments, new drugs development and others.
Tags: bio-layer interferometry markerlabel-free assay protein-lipid interaction безмаркерный анализ белково-липидное взаимодействие биослойная интерферометрия
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