Competent opinion
Effective production. Industry 4.0
HORIBA Jobin Yvon. Path to two centuries long HORIBA Jobin Yvon – the world leader in analytical and scientific equipment, operating in the Russian market for almost 50 years. The reporting from company manufacture near Paris.
HORIBA Jobin Yvon. Path to two centuries long HORIBA Jobin Yvon – the world leader in analytical and scientific equipment, operating in the Russian market for almost 50 years. The reporting from company manufacture near Paris.
Analysis and control: Technologies, instrumentation, solutions
S.Zhokhov, O.Shakhnovich
"Analytics EXPO 2016". Modern russian analytical instrument Part 1. The portable mass spectrometers, confocal Raman system, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, instruments and solutions for elemental analysis In April 2016, Moscow hosted the 14th International Exhibition of laboratory equipment and chemicals Analytics EXPO – the large-scale event in Russia in the field of chemical analysis technology, laboratory equipment, chemicals and materials.
"Analytics EXPO 2016". Modern russian analytical instrument Part 1. The portable mass spectrometers, confocal Raman system, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, instruments and solutions for elemental analysis In April 2016, Moscow hosted the 14th International Exhibition of laboratory equipment and chemicals Analytics EXPO – the large-scale event in Russia in the field of chemical analysis technology, laboratory equipment, chemicals and materials.
Tags: elemental analysis ftir mass spectrometry ик-фурье конфокальный рамановский масс-спектрометр сonfocal raman элементный анализ
G.Buchbinder, V.Korotkov
Silver dissolution for impurities determination by ICP-AES Standardized applications for the impurities determination in the silver run the ordinary dissolving silver in nitric acid and/or separation
of impurities by silver chloride precipitation
and contain potential error sources due to partial dissolution of impurities in nitric acid and the possible elements co-precipitation with silver chloride. A new method to dissolve silver has been developed. It uses HNO3 and HF mixture and allows dissolving the silver, and impurities including gold up to 20 ppm completely. To check the impurities recoveries spectrometer iCAP 6500 Duo SSEA was used. This instrument allows run the silver samples with the same calibration curves both after sample dissolution and after solid sampling. To prepare the calibration solutions with silver, a perchloric acid was used to remove the chloride ions from solutions and to prevent the silver chloride precipitation.
Silver dissolution for impurities determination by ICP-AES Standardized applications for the impurities determination in the silver run the ordinary dissolving silver in nitric acid and/or separation
of impurities by silver chloride precipitation
and contain potential error sources due to partial dissolution of impurities in nitric acid and the possible elements co-precipitation with silver chloride. A new method to dissolve silver has been developed. It uses HNO3 and HF mixture and allows dissolving the silver, and impurities including gold up to 20 ppm completely. To check the impurities recoveries spectrometer iCAP 6500 Duo SSEA was used. This instrument allows run the silver samples with the same calibration curves both after sample dissolution and after solid sampling. To prepare the calibration solutions with silver, a perchloric acid was used to remove the chloride ions from solutions and to prevent the silver chloride precipitation.
Tags: atomic emission spectrometry dissolution impurities inductively couples plasma silver solid sampling атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия индуктивно-связанная плазма искровой пробоотбор примеси растворение серебро
New view on micro sample analysis: Shimadzu infrared microscope AIM-9000 As a method of contaminant analysis and defect analysis in various industries including the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and electrical and electronic fields, infrared microspectroscopy is routinely used in many of these quality control departments. Not unexpectedly, there is a common desire throughout these fields for automation of the analysis process to enhance efficiency of all necessary steps involved in micro sample analysis.
New view on micro sample analysis: Shimadzu infrared microscope AIM-9000 As a method of contaminant analysis and defect analysis in various industries including the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and electrical and electronic fields, infrared microspectroscopy is routinely used in many of these quality control departments. Not unexpectedly, there is a common desire throughout these fields for automation of the analysis process to enhance efficiency of all necessary steps involved in micro sample analysis.
Tags: automatic analysis infrared microspectroscopy sensitivity автоматизация процесса анализа инфракрасная микроскопия чувствительность
Экономика и бизнес
Industrial technologies and equipment
Live sciences
Determination of biomarkers by HPLC method with amperometric detection Chromatography today occupies a leading position among analytical methods. According to recent data, more than 60% of all chemical analyzes performed by chromatography in the world. Most applicable HPLC, for example, to control environmental pollution, food products, pharmaceutics, medicine, biology, forensics and others. In overview considered uniquely HPLC with amperometric detection in medicine for determining biomarkers disease diagnostic purposes and oxidative markers stress –
the predecessor of the satellite and dangerous diseases.
Determination of biomarkers by HPLC method with amperometric detection Chromatography today occupies a leading position among analytical methods. According to recent data, more than 60% of all chemical analyzes performed by chromatography in the world. Most applicable HPLC, for example, to control environmental pollution, food products, pharmaceutics, medicine, biology, forensics and others. In overview considered uniquely HPLC with amperometric detection in medicine for determining biomarkers disease diagnostic purposes and oxidative markers stress –
the predecessor of the satellite and dangerous diseases.
Tags: a marker of oxidative stress amperometric detector hplc liquid chromatography амперометрический детектор вэжх жидкостная хроматография маркер окислительного стресса
Geology and metallurgy
A. Konilov, T.Golovanova, K.Ponkratov
Aluminosilicate glass over 1.9 ga of age and its properties insights from true-color cathodoluminescence and raman spectroscopy The glass inclusions in quartz veins of the Salma eclogite association from the Belomorian eclogite province of the Fennoscandian Shield have been studied for the first time with instrumental technique using true-color cathodoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy; a confocal Raman microspectrometer is applied for this purpose. The same minerals (corundum, phengite, K-feldspar) as from polymineralic pseudomorphs in quartz veins replacing eclogite in the Kuru-Vaara quarry occur in glass. The glass contains ~ 60 wt % SiO2, nevertheless, a free quartz is lacking therein. The measured bulk chemical composition of glass cannot be identified in terms of conventionally accepted petrologic classifications of alkaline igneous rocks. The closest to the studied glass are melts obtained as products of carbonated pelite material fusion in the experiments aimed at estimation of mantle T-P conditions.
Aluminosilicate glass over 1.9 ga of age and its properties insights from true-color cathodoluminescence and raman spectroscopy The glass inclusions in quartz veins of the Salma eclogite association from the Belomorian eclogite province of the Fennoscandian Shield have been studied for the first time with instrumental technique using true-color cathodoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy; a confocal Raman microspectrometer is applied for this purpose. The same minerals (corundum, phengite, K-feldspar) as from polymineralic pseudomorphs in quartz veins replacing eclogite in the Kuru-Vaara quarry occur in glass. The glass contains ~ 60 wt % SiO2, nevertheless, a free quartz is lacking therein. The measured bulk chemical composition of glass cannot be identified in terms of conventionally accepted petrologic classifications of alkaline igneous rocks. The closest to the studied glass are melts obtained as products of carbonated pelite material fusion in the experiments aimed at estimation of mantle T-P conditions.