Competent opinion
Exhibitions and Conferences
Analysis and control: Technologies, instrumentation, solutions
S.Zhokhov, I.Shakhnovich
analytica 2016 – PARADE OF WORLD PREMIERES The analytica international exhibition in Munich is the largest interdisciplinary forum in the branches of chemistry, life sciences, nanotechnologies, and modern laboratory equipment. This short review of analytica 2016 is dedicated to the instruments and solutionswhich are highly demanded in bioanalytical and pharmaceutical sectors: Raman microscopy and ultra HPLC systems, cell culture and particle analyzers, mini-reactors, and microplate readers.
analytica 2016 – PARADE OF WORLD PREMIERES The analytica international exhibition in Munich is the largest interdisciplinary forum in the branches of chemistry, life sciences, nanotechnologies, and modern laboratory equipment. This short review of analytica 2016 is dedicated to the instruments and solutionswhich are highly demanded in bioanalytical and pharmaceutical sectors: Raman microscopy and ultra HPLC systems, cell culture and particle analyzers, mini-reactors, and microplate readers.
Tags: cell cultures chromatography measurement instruments raman spectroscopy измерительные приборы клеточные культуры рамановская спектроскопия хроматография
Innovative technologies for environmental and food safety. GC system Agilent Intuvo 9000 Agilent Technologies develop and produce analytical equipment, regularly present innovative solutions and applications. Agilent products that distributed worldwide help to solve the most difficult tasks of the laboratory analysis. Gas Chromatography is very demanded technique and Agilent present the GC instruments for fast, accurate, reliable and high throughput operations. New Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC open the new horizons in complex matrix analysis due to the Guard Chip column protection technology and other innovative solutions.
Innovative technologies for environmental and food safety. GC system Agilent Intuvo 9000 Agilent Technologies develop and produce analytical equipment, regularly present innovative solutions and applications. Agilent products that distributed worldwide help to solve the most difficult tasks of the laboratory analysis. Gas Chromatography is very demanded technique and Agilent present the GC instruments for fast, accurate, reliable and high throughput operations. New Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC open the new horizons in complex matrix analysis due to the Guard Chip column protection technology and other innovative solutions.
Tags: gas chromatography guard chip intuvo no-trim columns газовая хроматография необрезаемые колонки технология guardchip
Industrial technologies and equipment
V.Lapin, A.Astahov
Laboratory catalytic systems for petrochemical industry Intensification of processes of oil refining – a promising task of modern production. From an economic and ecological point of view it is also important reduce waste and maximum use of natural resources. These issues can be successfully solved with the help catalysis. The article gives examples of frequently used in the production of catalytic reactions. Detailed provides some reactions in developed by the "NPF" meta-chrome "laboratory of catalytic plants. Described design of a number of lab reactor plants: to verify the PEC-1 catalysts, evaluate the activity of heterogeneous catalysts, determining the properties of CDI-M fine catalyst. The prospects of the use of donor-thermal cracking of solvent to reduce the viscosity of heavy oil and heavy oil.
Laboratory catalytic systems for petrochemical industry Intensification of processes of oil refining – a promising task of modern production. From an economic and ecological point of view it is also important reduce waste and maximum use of natural resources. These issues can be successfully solved with the help catalysis. The article gives examples of frequently used in the production of catalytic reactions. Detailed provides some reactions in developed by the "NPF" meta-chrome "laboratory of catalytic plants. Described design of a number of lab reactor plants: to verify the PEC-1 catalysts, evaluate the activity of heterogeneous catalysts, determining the properties of CDI-M fine catalyst. The prospects of the use of donor-thermal cracking of solvent to reduce the viscosity of heavy oil and heavy oil.
Tags: catalysis oil processing petrochemicals the catalytic setting катализ каталитические установки нефтепереработка
Experts opinion
Live sciences
Ya.Alexeev, D.Petrov
"Syntol" company – genetic analysis of the "A" to "Z" Scientific and Production Company Syntol specializes in the field of modern technologies for the synthesis and analysis of nucleic acids. Here develop and produce fluorescent oligonucleotides and probes for real-time PCR, PCR-prepared mixture sets and reagents for PCR diagnostics. Company Syntol together with the Institute for Analytical Instrumentation RAS participated in the development of thermal cyclers (amplificators) ANK and the first Russian sequencer NANOFOR-05. Its comprehensive and the most promising solutions were presented at the exhibition Analytica Expo 2016.
"Syntol" company – genetic analysis of the "A" to "Z" Scientific and Production Company Syntol specializes in the field of modern technologies for the synthesis and analysis of nucleic acids. Here develop and produce fluorescent oligonucleotides and probes for real-time PCR, PCR-prepared mixture sets and reagents for PCR diagnostics. Company Syntol together with the Institute for Analytical Instrumentation RAS participated in the development of thermal cyclers (amplificators) ANK and the first Russian sequencer NANOFOR-05. Its comprehensive and the most promising solutions were presented at the exhibition Analytica Expo 2016.
Tags: amplificator dna fluorescent probe genetic analysis nucleic acid oligonucleotid pcr rna sequencer thermal cycler амплификатор генетический анализ днк нуклеиновая кислота олигонуклетид пцр рнк секвенатор флуоресцентный зонд
A.Yashin, B.Nemzer, A.Vedenin, Ya.Yashin
Determination of thiols in biological fluids of the person by HPLC Thiols – cysteine CySH and reducedglutathione GSH play important role in protection of molecules of proteins, lipids, DNA, membranes, cells from harmful influence of reactionary oxygen and nitrogenous compounds, including and free radicals. In the review the basic methods of analysis of thiols and their oxidized forms are analyzed. The review of determination of thiols in biological fluids of the person by HPLC with different detectors is resulted. Dependence of the maintenance of thiols on a food, age, illnesses, exercise stresses etc. is discussed.
Determination of thiols in biological fluids of the person by HPLC Thiols – cysteine CySH and reducedglutathione GSH play important role in protection of molecules of proteins, lipids, DNA, membranes, cells from harmful influence of reactionary oxygen and nitrogenous compounds, including and free radicals. In the review the basic methods of analysis of thiols and their oxidized forms are analyzed. The review of determination of thiols in biological fluids of the person by HPLC with different detectors is resulted. Dependence of the maintenance of thiols on a food, age, illnesses, exercise stresses etc. is discussed.
Metrology and standardization
Measurement of the Total Organic Carbon in Modern Pharmaceutical Water Systems Total Organic Carbon TOC is one of the quality attributes defined in the European and USA pharmacopoeias for pharmaceutical waters. Modern water treatment systems can deliver such high purity water that TOC levels can be consistently close to zero and very difficult to measure with any accuracy. This paper discusses some of the challenges when using TOC analysers to demonstrate pharmacopoeial TOC level compliance for modern water systems in the light of the ICH Q2 document from the International Conference on Harmonisation – Validationof Analytical Procedures.
Measurement of the Total Organic Carbon in Modern Pharmaceutical Water Systems Total Organic Carbon TOC is one of the quality attributes defined in the European and USA pharmacopoeias for pharmaceutical waters. Modern water treatment systems can deliver such high purity water that TOC levels can be consistently close to zero and very difficult to measure with any accuracy. This paper discusses some of the challenges when using TOC analysers to demonstrate pharmacopoeial TOC level compliance for modern water systems in the light of the ICH Q2 document from the International Conference on Harmonisation – Validationof Analytical Procedures.