Competent opinion
Three decades of competence development in the field of analytical solutions This year marks the 30th anniversary of the MS-Analytica group of companies, which is the exclusive representative of Thermo Scientific analytical equipment in Russia and CIS. Currently, the structure of the group includes companies for the sale, services, as well as the development and production of instruments. The MS-Analytica employs more than 60 specialists. Thermo Scientific is an international corporation that produces the widest range of products from "heavy" instruments, used for complex analytical problems, to clinical consumables. The corporation has manufacturing facilities in 150 countries. Thermo Scientific devices are used in pharmaceutics, food industry, medicine, oil and gas sector, geology and many other industries. We began a conversation with the General Manager of MS-Analytica Ekaterina Gilod with the question of cooperation with Thermo Scientific.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Three decades of competence development in the field of analytical solutions This year marks the 30th anniversary of the MS-Analytica group of companies, which is the exclusive representative of Thermo Scientific analytical equipment in Russia and CIS. Currently, the structure of the group includes companies for the sale, services, as well as the development and production of instruments. The MS-Analytica employs more than 60 specialists. Thermo Scientific is an international corporation that produces the widest range of products from "heavy" instruments, used for complex analytical problems, to clinical consumables. The corporation has manufacturing facilities in 150 countries. Thermo Scientific devices are used in pharmaceutics, food industry, medicine, oil and gas sector, geology and many other industries. We began a conversation with the General Manager of MS-Analytica Ekaterina Gilod with the question of cooperation with Thermo Scientific.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Exhibitions and Conferences
Modern laboratory
Accuracy as main principle Exacte Labs LLC (Moscow) since 2011 performs research in the field of pharmacy, specializing in preclinical and clinical studies of medicines in accordance with the standards of good laboratory and clinical practice. The methods used include high-performance liquid chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS / MS), immunoferment analysis, dissolution kinetics test. Special attention is paid to quality, which is controlled at all stages of research.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Accuracy as main principle Exacte Labs LLC (Moscow) since 2011 performs research in the field of pharmacy, specializing in preclinical and clinical studies of medicines in accordance with the standards of good laboratory and clinical practice. The methods used include high-performance liquid chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS / MS), immunoferment analysis, dissolution kinetics test. Special attention is paid to quality, which is controlled at all stages of research.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Tags: hplc-ms / ms immunoferment analysis medicines вэжх-мс/мс иммуноферментный анализ лекарственные средства
Analysis and control: Technologies, instrumentation, solutions
E.V.Gorsky, A.M.Livshits
Analysis of metal alloys on low-resolution emission spectrometers. Correction of inter-element effects A technique for correction of the influence of third components in analysing aluminium alloys and high-alloy steels with the use of low-resolution emission spectrometers with spark excitation is considered. The results of the calculation of additive and multiplicative coefficients of influence for analysed elements are presented. It is shown that the use of regression methods for processing of the analysis results makes it possible to significantly reduce the errors in determining the contents of elements in the considered groups of alloys.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Analysis of metal alloys on low-resolution emission spectrometers. Correction of inter-element effects A technique for correction of the influence of third components in analysing aluminium alloys and high-alloy steels with the use of low-resolution emission spectrometers with spark excitation is considered. The results of the calculation of additive and multiplicative coefficients of influence for analysed elements are presented. It is shown that the use of regression methods for processing of the analysis results makes it possible to significantly reduce the errors in determining the contents of elements in the considered groups of alloys.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Tags: aluminium alloys analytical unit emission spectrometer алюминиевый сплав высоколегированная сталь эмиссионный спектрометр
M.V.Tremasova, T.G.Borisova, V.N.Tsupreva
The latest analytical equipment of the company Shimadzu One of the world’s leading manufacturers of analytical and testing equipment, Shimadzu Corporation introduces new products, such as gas chromatograph Nexis GC-2030, liquid chromatographs i-Series Plus Prominence-i and Nexera-i series as well as IRSpirit Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer. They are equipped with all the necessary accessories for efficient and productive operation with full control of all the chemical analysis stages.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
The latest analytical equipment of the company Shimadzu One of the world’s leading manufacturers of analytical and testing equipment, Shimadzu Corporation introduces new products, such as gas chromatograph Nexis GC-2030, liquid chromatographs i-Series Plus Prominence-i and Nexera-i series as well as IRSpirit Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer. They are equipped with all the necessary accessories for efficient and productive operation with full control of all the chemical analysis stages.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Tags: fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer gas chromatograph liquid chromatographs газовый хроматограф жидкостный хроматограф ик-фурье-спектрометр
M.Langer, D.Otto
Experimental techniques for surface characteristics analysis of polymers after plasma treatment. Comparative analysis Plasma treatment of polymer surfaces is widely used to improve the adhesion on the surface of work pieces. DataPhysics Instruments offers a simple and reliable method to characterise the surface treatment effect on polymers via contact angle measurement. Application experts from DataPhysics Instruments have defined surface free energy for four different polymers before and after surface treatment. They used ink method and optical method of contact angle measurement. Divergence in obtained results and high subjectivity of the ink method show that ink method does not always give the correct evaluation of surface activity of polymer. The contact angle measurement method and his advantages are described in this study as well.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Experimental techniques for surface characteristics analysis of polymers after plasma treatment. Comparative analysis Plasma treatment of polymer surfaces is widely used to improve the adhesion on the surface of work pieces. DataPhysics Instruments offers a simple and reliable method to characterise the surface treatment effect on polymers via contact angle measurement. Application experts from DataPhysics Instruments have defined surface free energy for four different polymers before and after surface treatment. They used ink method and optical method of contact angle measurement. Divergence in obtained results and high subjectivity of the ink method show that ink method does not always give the correct evaluation of surface activity of polymer. The contact angle measurement method and his advantages are described in this study as well.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Tags: ink method of contact angle measurement surface free energy метод краевого угла тест-чернила удельная свободная энергия поверхности
A.Zens, R.Crouch, T.Bergeron, M.Frey, T.Miyamoto, A.Nomura, Y.Horino, T.Nishida
Development of royal HFX probe We report in this article the development of a 1H,19F, X NMR probe. Here we use circuitry that uses magnetic coupling to do on demand experiments where one of the three nuclei is observed and the other two are decoupled. The implementation of this circuitry in a routine NMR probe was found to be superior to capacitive coupling methods. The full broadband capability of this probe allows for the structure elucidation of nearly all types of chemical species that contain 1H and 19F nuclei and hence is a truly versatile and routine NMR probe.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Development of royal HFX probe We report in this article the development of a 1H,19F, X NMR probe. Here we use circuitry that uses magnetic coupling to do on demand experiments where one of the three nuclei is observed and the other two are decoupled. The implementation of this circuitry in a routine NMR probe was found to be superior to capacitive coupling methods. The full broadband capability of this probe allows for the structure elucidation of nearly all types of chemical species that contain 1H and 19F nuclei and hence is a truly versatile and routine NMR probe.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Expert evaluation
Live sciences
G.A.Kalabin, V.A.Ivlev, N.A.Komarov, A.Yu.Kolesnov
Determination of deuterium content in components of water-organic solutions by a combination of the NMR 1Н and 2Н methods An algorithm is proposed for using the combination of NMR spectroscopy of 1Н and deuterium 2Н(D) nuclei for prompt identification and determination of the component and differential isotope composition of water organic solutions including values in ethanol, water in wine, cognac, brandies, juices, soft drinks and other products. The method does not require sample preparation and/or use of any certified reference materials. Some examples of the proposed concept application for the authentication and quality control of wine products are presented.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
Determination of deuterium content in components of water-organic solutions by a combination of the NMR 1Н and 2Н methods An algorithm is proposed for using the combination of NMR spectroscopy of 1Н and deuterium 2Н(D) nuclei for prompt identification and determination of the component and differential isotope composition of water organic solutions including values in ethanol, water in wine, cognac, brandies, juices, soft drinks and other products. The method does not require sample preparation and/or use of any certified reference materials. Some examples of the proposed concept application for the authentication and quality control of wine products are presented.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
A.M.Zakharova, I.S.Muratova, А.V.Kind, N.Yu.Isupova, D.A.Baranenko, I.L.Grinshtein
The tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (lc-ms / ms) method for the determination of mycotoxins in infant food and animal feeds The article presents the findings of a research into the content of mycotoxins in 10 samples of porridge for baby food as well as 12 feeds for cats and dogs from different manufacturers. For quantitative determination, a tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was used. Procedures for sample preparation as well as selection of conditions for chromatographic analysis and mass spectrometric detection of target compounds are described.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.
The tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (lc-ms / ms) method for the determination of mycotoxins in infant food and animal feeds The article presents the findings of a research into the content of mycotoxins in 10 samples of porridge for baby food as well as 12 feeds for cats and dogs from different manufacturers. For quantitative determination, a tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was used. Procedures for sample preparation as well as selection of conditions for chromatographic analysis and mass spectrometric detection of target compounds are described.
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2018.