Competent opinion
Exhibitions and Conferences
Analysis and control: Technologies, instrumentation, solutions
Осаму Терасаки, Яньханг Ма, Юсуке Сакуда, Хидеюки Такахаси, Кеничи Цуцуми, Шунсюке Асахина, Масато Кудо, Роберт У.Коркири
High spatial resolution scanning electron microscope: evaluation and structural analysis of nanostructured materials In scanning electron microscopy an electron beam is produced from an emitter, and the beam is demagnified into a finely focused electron probe that irradiates and scans across the surface of a sample in raster fashion. Signals are generated in the form of secondary and backscattered electrons (SEs and BSEs), and characteristic X-rays. These signals contain information about the surface topography, composition, crystal structure and chemical bonding of the sample, and with nano-scale spatial resolution. By lowering the energy of the incident electrons, irradiation damage by the beam and adverse effects on the image of an insulating sample can be suppressed, and at the same time information from the surface can be selectively obtained.
High spatial resolution scanning electron microscope: evaluation and structural analysis of nanostructured materials In scanning electron microscopy an electron beam is produced from an emitter, and the beam is demagnified into a finely focused electron probe that irradiates and scans across the surface of a sample in raster fashion. Signals are generated in the form of secondary and backscattered electrons (SEs and BSEs), and characteristic X-rays. These signals contain information about the surface topography, composition, crystal structure and chemical bonding of the sample, and with nano-scale spatial resolution. By lowering the energy of the incident electrons, irradiation damage by the beam and adverse effects on the image of an insulating sample can be suppressed, and at the same time information from the surface can be selectively obtained.
Tags: electron microscope nanomaterials scanning structural analysis наноматериалы сканирование структурный анализ электронный микроскоп
Modern laboratory
Practical achievements of academic science The analytical certification testing center of IPTM RAS performs research in the field of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry, applies these methods to the analysis of various objects, and studies the properties of new organic compounds and uses them for separation and concentration. The objects of analysis are various materials of microelectronics and pure substances, geological, hydrochemical and environmental samples, biomaterials, and the like.
Practical achievements of academic science The analytical certification testing center of IPTM RAS performs research in the field of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry, applies these methods to the analysis of various objects, and studies the properties of new organic compounds and uses them for separation and concentration. The objects of analysis are various materials of microelectronics and pure substances, geological, hydrochemical and environmental samples, biomaterials, and the like.
Tags: inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry organic compounds атомно-эмиссион- ная спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмо масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой органические соединения
Development of modern medicines requires innovative analytical solutions For the successful development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, it is necessary to introduce up-to-date technologies in both production and development of drugs. One of the flagships of the new Russian pharmaceuticals is the NovaMedica and its subsidiary, the NovaMedica Innotech R&D center, which was opened in 2017 in the Moscow technopolis.
Development of modern medicines requires innovative analytical solutions For the successful development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, it is necessary to introduce up-to-date technologies in both production and development of drugs. One of the flagships of the new Russian pharmaceuticals is the NovaMedica and its subsidiary, the NovaMedica Innotech R&D center, which was opened in 2017 in the Moscow technopolis.
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
I.A.Novikov, A.M.Subbot, O.A.Pak, I.V.Chebotar
A two-step labeling of biological object’s ultrastructures by neodymium and lead for scanning electron microscopy Visualization of biological objects with ultrastructural resolution is possible by both optical method and electron microscopy. The leading method of superresolution imaging is transmission electron microscopy.
The aim of the paper is demonstration of a fast two-step technique of sample preparation for visualization of the internal structure of biological objects with ultrastructural resolution by scanning electron microscopy. Visualization of cell ultrastructures after supravital saturation with neodymium
and passive binding with lead allows increasing the informativity of SEM. We consider the possibility of differentiated imaging in biological objects, including Ca2+-dependent systems, the structural positions of phosphate anions, as well as structures containing carbohydrates and the nearest products of their metabolism.
A two-step labeling of biological object’s ultrastructures by neodymium and lead for scanning electron microscopy Visualization of biological objects with ultrastructural resolution is possible by both optical method and electron microscopy. The leading method of superresolution imaging is transmission electron microscopy.
The aim of the paper is demonstration of a fast two-step technique of sample preparation for visualization of the internal structure of biological objects with ultrastructural resolution by scanning electron microscopy. Visualization of cell ultrastructures after supravital saturation with neodymium
and passive binding with lead allows increasing the informativity of SEM. We consider the possibility of differentiated imaging in biological objects, including Ca2+-dependent systems, the structural positions of phosphate anions, as well as structures containing carbohydrates and the nearest products of their metabolism.
Tags: metabolism protein structures scanning electron microscopy visualization белковые структуры визуализация метаболизм сканирующая электронная микроскопия
A.N.Konilov, V.I.Pozhilenko, K.V.Van, T.I.Golovanova, N.V.Pronina, N.E.Shkliar, K.V.Ponkratov
Study of eclogites from the Belomorian province by using of modern analytical methods For the first time analytical methods using - three-dimensional optical and laser microscopy, true-color cathodoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy carried out a study of the decomposition structures in aluminous clinopyroxene solid solution as well an inclusions of bituminous matter in the garnet and quartz from Fe-Ti eclogites (Belomorian eclogite province in the Baltic shield). The photoliths of eclogites and Fe-Ti eclogites have geochemical signatures of tholeiites of mid-oceanic ridges. Mineral assemblages of both rocks varieties in addition to the peak eclogite and post-eclogite stages include minerals corresponds to prograde P-T-path of metamorphic evolution.
Study of eclogites from the Belomorian province by using of modern analytical methods For the first time analytical methods using - three-dimensional optical and laser microscopy, true-color cathodoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy carried out a study of the decomposition structures in aluminous clinopyroxene solid solution as well an inclusions of bituminous matter in the garnet and quartz from Fe-Ti eclogites (Belomorian eclogite province in the Baltic shield). The photoliths of eclogites and Fe-Ti eclogites have geochemical signatures of tholeiites of mid-oceanic ridges. Mineral assemblages of both rocks varieties in addition to the peak eclogite and post-eclogite stages include minerals corresponds to prograde P-T-path of metamorphic evolution.
Tags: 3d microscopy 3d-микроскопия belomorian eclogite bituminous matter clinopyroxene breakdown fluorescence geochemistry ptarmigan mount raman spectroscopy true-color cathodoluminescence беломорская провинция битум геохимия пород гора куропачья истинная катодолюминесценция распад клинопироксена спектроскопия комбинационного рассеяния флуоресценция эклогиты
Ya.T.Vyskribencev, A.D.Goganov, V.A.Ermolinskaya
Analysis of the elemental composition of cement materials on the X-ray fluorescent energy-dispersive spectrometer BRA-135F The general properties of the energy dispersive XRF spectrometer BRA-135F are presented.
The possibility of its application in determining the elemental composition of cements and cement materials is shown. A description of the developed measurement procedure is given. The sample preparation process, the list and concentration ranges of the determined
elements and the results of preliminary tests are described.
Analysis of the elemental composition of cement materials on the X-ray fluorescent energy-dispersive spectrometer BRA-135F The general properties of the energy dispersive XRF spectrometer BRA-135F are presented.
The possibility of its application in determining the elemental composition of cements and cement materials is shown. A description of the developed measurement procedure is given. The sample preparation process, the list and concentration ranges of the determined
elements and the results of preliminary tests are described.