Competent opinion
Metrology and Accreditation
Qualification testing program – what is it? Experience of participation in international programs
At the moment, when the requirements for the quality of analytical research are tightened, participation in proficiency testing programs is a reliable way to ensure it. The article describes several examples of international testing programs for laboratories working in the field of geochemical analysis. They cover a wide range of matrix composition of samples, various methods of analysis, a wide range of analyzed components: physical characteristics, isotopic composition, basic and rock-forming elements, and trace elements. A large number of participants – organizations from different countries gives these programs a level of authoritative forum for geoanalysts of the whole world.
Tags: analytical method geochemical analysis proficiency testing аналитический метод геохимический анализ проверка квалификации
Exhibitions and Conferences
O. A. Lavrent’eva, E. N. Obukhova
17th International Exhibition Analytics Expo:new equipment, new perspectives, new partnership From April 23 to April 26, 2019, the 17th International Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Chemical Reagents Analytics Expo was held in Moscow. This year the exhibition was held at the new venue – the international exhibition center Crocus Expo. The new platform allowed the organizers to increase the number of participants and stand space, to ensure a high level of organization of scientific and business seminars, to make the exhibition interesting for specialists of industrial enterprises and scientific laboratories. A wide range of modern analytical equipment, furniture and reagents was presented by more than 230 companies from 24 countries, including recognized leaders of analytical instrumentation – Japan, the United States, Austria, Spain, France, and China. 39 companies participated in the exhibition for the first time. The analytical forum was attended by more than 5.5 thousand specialists from 65 countries of the world from various industries. The organizer of «Analytics Expo» traditionally made a group of companies ITE. Employees of a number of companies told our correspondent about new products presented at the exhibition.
17th International Exhibition Analytics Expo:new equipment, new perspectives, new partnership From April 23 to April 26, 2019, the 17th International Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Chemical Reagents Analytics Expo was held in Moscow. This year the exhibition was held at the new venue – the international exhibition center Crocus Expo. The new platform allowed the organizers to increase the number of participants and stand space, to ensure a high level of organization of scientific and business seminars, to make the exhibition interesting for specialists of industrial enterprises and scientific laboratories. A wide range of modern analytical equipment, furniture and reagents was presented by more than 230 companies from 24 countries, including recognized leaders of analytical instrumentation – Japan, the United States, Austria, Spain, France, and China. 39 companies participated in the exhibition for the first time. The analytical forum was attended by more than 5.5 thousand specialists from 65 countries of the world from various industries. The organizer of «Analytics Expo» traditionally made a group of companies ITE. Employees of a number of companies told our correspondent about new products presented at the exhibition.
Tags: laboratory equipment reagents scientific and business seminars лабораторное оборудование научные и деловые семинары реактивы
Modern laboratory
V. V. Rodchenkova
Functional nanomaterials – from theory to practice Laboratory for the synthesis of functional materials and mineral processing is one of the divisions of the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS. The main research areas of the laboratory are related to the production of various functional materials, in particular, nanodispersed powders of simple and complex oxides, one-dimensional nanostructures, nanocomposites, luminescent materials, photocatalysts, biomaterials, etc., using the methods of soft chemistry, including hydrothermal, hydrothermal-ultrasonic and hydrothermal microwave methods.
The head of the laboratory, PhD Alexander Evgenievich Baranchikov told us about the research and projects that the laboratory staff are working on today, about the development of new materials, the technology of their production, about modern equipment for studying their properties, as well as prospects for application.
Functional nanomaterials – from theory to practice Laboratory for the synthesis of functional materials and mineral processing is one of the divisions of the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS. The main research areas of the laboratory are related to the production of various functional materials, in particular, nanodispersed powders of simple and complex oxides, one-dimensional nanostructures, nanocomposites, luminescent materials, photocatalysts, biomaterials, etc., using the methods of soft chemistry, including hydrothermal, hydrothermal-ultrasonic and hydrothermal microwave methods.
The head of the laboratory, PhD Alexander Evgenievich Baranchikov told us about the research and projects that the laboratory staff are working on today, about the development of new materials, the technology of their production, about modern equipment for studying their properties, as well as prospects for application.
Tags: biomaterials functional materials nanostructures photocatalysts биоматериалы наноструктуры фотокатализаторы функциональные материалы
Analytics of Substances and Materials
A. Ya. Yashin, A. N. Vedenin, B. V. Nemzer, Ya. I. Yashin
Berries: chemical composition, antioxidant activity. Impact of consumption of berries on health of the person Berries – one of the major sources of antioxidants in a food of the person. In short survey data on the maintenance of natural polyphenols – antioxidants in the most widespread berries are resulted: strawberry, cranberry, cowberry, bilberry, sea-buckthorn berries, guelder-rose, honeysuckle, cherry, blueberry, blackcurrant, chokeberry. Composition and antioxidant activity of berries which is defined by the content of flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and lignans are discussed. Last data about publications with results of researches on impact of regular consumption of berries on health of the person are cited.
Berries: chemical composition, antioxidant activity. Impact of consumption of berries on health of the person Berries – one of the major sources of antioxidants in a food of the person. In short survey data on the maintenance of natural polyphenols – antioxidants in the most widespread berries are resulted: strawberry, cranberry, cowberry, bilberry, sea-buckthorn berries, guelder-rose, honeysuckle, cherry, blueberry, blackcurrant, chokeberry. Composition and antioxidant activity of berries which is defined by the content of flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and lignans are discussed. Last data about publications with results of researches on impact of regular consumption of berries on health of the person are cited.
Tags: anthocyanins antioxidant activity flavonoids phenolic acids polyphenols – antioxidants proanthocyanidins антиоксидантная активность антоцианины полифенолы – антиоксиданты проантоцианидины фенольные кислоты флавоноиды
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
I. D. Gizatov, V. K. Kozlov, D. M. Valiullina, R. A. Giniatullin
Determination of moisture and impurities in transformer oil by a modified Fisher method The modified Fisher method for determining the absolute moisture content and the amount of impurities in transformer oil is considered. Presents the results obtained after vacuum drying, cooling and processing of microwave radiation. It is shown that all these three methods help to completely remove moisture from the oil, and then estimate the amount of other impurities. The advantages of the proposed method and the possibility of its use for determining the composition of impurities are discussed.
Determination of moisture and impurities in transformer oil by a modified Fisher method The modified Fisher method for determining the absolute moisture content and the amount of impurities in transformer oil is considered. Presents the results obtained after vacuum drying, cooling and processing of microwave radiation. It is shown that all these three methods help to completely remove moisture from the oil, and then estimate the amount of other impurities. The advantages of the proposed method and the possibility of its use for determining the composition of impurities are discussed.
Tags: acid number. coulometric titrator fisher reagent microwave radiation transformer oil vacuum drying вакуумная осушка кислотное число кулонометрический титратор реактив фишера сверхвысокочастотное излучение трансформаторное масло
Yuhno A. I., Plugotarenko N. K
Neural Network Modeling of Chloroform Content in Drinking Water in Water Treatment The work is devoted to the use of neural network modeling in the field of water treatment. A neural network model has been developed that is able to predict chloroform concentrations resulting from the chlorination of drinking water, depending on the parameters of water quality. A series of computer experiments was conducted to investigate the influence of individual factors on the target parameter. The constructed neural network model makes it possible to create a system for controlling the content of organochlorine compounds in drinking water, thereby providing conditions for safer water consumption.
Neural Network Modeling of Chloroform Content in Drinking Water in Water Treatment The work is devoted to the use of neural network modeling in the field of water treatment. A neural network model has been developed that is able to predict chloroform concentrations resulting from the chlorination of drinking water, depending on the parameters of water quality. A series of computer experiments was conducted to investigate the influence of individual factors on the target parameter. The constructed neural network model makes it possible to create a system for controlling the content of organochlorine compounds in drinking water, thereby providing conditions for safer water consumption.