Exhibitions and Conferences
E. N. Obukhova
The avant-garde of the analytical instrumentation DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
Every year, plenty of exhibitions and conferences are hold around the world. Some of these are of particular interest to experts in the field of analytical chemistry, since they determine the development direction of the industry. Two such events were held in the spring and summer of 2019 in the United States: the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy and the Annual Conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Thousands of scientists attended the conferences and followed the programs in Internet broadcasts. The satellite exhibitions of the conferences gathered the leading manufacturers of analytical equipment and materials
The avant-garde of the analytical instrumentation DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
Every year, plenty of exhibitions and conferences are hold around the world. Some of these are of particular interest to experts in the field of analytical chemistry, since they determine the development direction of the industry. Two such events were held in the spring and summer of 2019 in the United States: the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy and the Annual Conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Thousands of scientists attended the conferences and followed the programs in Internet broadcasts. The satellite exhibitions of the conferences gathered the leading manufacturers of analytical equipment and materials
Tags: american society for mass spectrometry. analytical instrumentation exhibition mass spectrometry pittcon американское масс-спектрометрическое общество аналитическое оборудование выставка масс-спектрометрия питткон
N.V.Belkova, M. N. Smirnova
5th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference in Moscow DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
5th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference in Moscow DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
T. A. Petrova
A fruitful and interested dialogue On July 18, 2019, a joint meeting of the RSPP Commission on the Chemical Industry and the Council of the Russian Union of Chemists took place. The central topic for discussion was the introduction of energy-efficient polymer materials in housing and communal services and construction.
A fruitful and interested dialogue On July 18, 2019, a joint meeting of the RSPP Commission on the Chemical Industry and the Council of the Russian Union of Chemists took place. The central topic for discussion was the introduction of energy-efficient polymer materials in housing and communal services and construction.
Modern laboratory
V. V. Rodchenkova
Everyday practical tasks require innovative analytical solutions DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
Educational-scientific chemical-analytical laboratory of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I. M. Gubkina is one of the leading testing laboratories in the Russian Federation in the declared field of accreditation. For more than twenty years, chemists under the guidance of academician A. G. Dedov successfully solve the most complex practical problems of creating methods for monitoring of the environment, water resources, drugs, the quality of oil products, etc. An important and very popular area of work is the development of express methods and multicomponent test tools for monitoring the quality of fuels and lubricants. The head of the laboratory Alexey Georgievich Dedov and quality manager – Delgir Andreevna Sandzhieva told about the history of the creation of the laboratory, achievements, practical results of work and plans for the future.
Everyday practical tasks require innovative analytical solutions DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
Educational-scientific chemical-analytical laboratory of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I. M. Gubkina is one of the leading testing laboratories in the Russian Federation in the declared field of accreditation. For more than twenty years, chemists under the guidance of academician A. G. Dedov successfully solve the most complex practical problems of creating methods for monitoring of the environment, water resources, drugs, the quality of oil products, etc. An important and very popular area of work is the development of express methods and multicomponent test tools for monitoring the quality of fuels and lubricants. The head of the laboratory Alexey Georgievich Dedov and quality manager – Delgir Andreevna Sandzhieva told about the history of the creation of the laboratory, achievements, practical results of work and plans for the future.
Tags: cetane number express methods the quality of fuels and lubricants качество топлив и смазочных материалов цетановое число экспресс-методы
A. N. Alyoshin
The opening of the Helikon Laboratory at Moscow State University is a step towards the integration of modern technologies in education DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
The opening of the Helikon Laboratory at Moscow State University is a step towards the integration of modern technologies in education DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
Analytics of Substances and Materials
A. Yu. Kolesnov, S. R. Tsimbalaev, M. A. Zenina, G. S. Tereshchenko
EA-IRMS / SIRA Mass Spectrometry of Stable Carbon Isotopes 13C / 12C in Dissolved Carbon Dioxide of Sparkling and Sparkling Pearl Wines DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
A new analytical approach is presented in the study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes 13С / 12С in carbon dioxide dissolved in sparkling and sparkling pearl wines. The new approach is based on a simple and quick way to prepare samples for analysis, which eliminates the use of complex and expensive equipment. The developed approach was first applied to study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes13С / 12С (δ13СVPDB) in wines presented on the Russian market in order to evaluate the nature of dissolved carbon dioxide. The results show that the values of δ13СVPDB of carbon dioxide in analyzed samples of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines range from –30.88 to –25.59‰, and in the carbonated wine drink they reach the level of –42.14‰. The analytical development based on the proposed method for preparing samples for isotopic measurement has shown its effectiveness in conducting research on technogenic factors that have a direct impact on quality, including authenticity of food products. The results of testing the new approach allow recommending it for use in assessing the quality of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines, as well as mineral water and other drinks containing dissolved carbon dioxide.
EA-IRMS / SIRA Mass Spectrometry of Stable Carbon Isotopes 13C / 12C in Dissolved Carbon Dioxide of Sparkling and Sparkling Pearl Wines DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
A new analytical approach is presented in the study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes 13С / 12С in carbon dioxide dissolved in sparkling and sparkling pearl wines. The new approach is based on a simple and quick way to prepare samples for analysis, which eliminates the use of complex and expensive equipment. The developed approach was first applied to study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes13С / 12С (δ13СVPDB) in wines presented on the Russian market in order to evaluate the nature of dissolved carbon dioxide. The results show that the values of δ13СVPDB of carbon dioxide in analyzed samples of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines range from –30.88 to –25.59‰, and in the carbonated wine drink they reach the level of –42.14‰. The analytical development based on the proposed method for preparing samples for isotopic measurement has shown its effectiveness in conducting research on technogenic factors that have a direct impact on quality, including authenticity of food products. The results of testing the new approach allow recommending it for use in assessing the quality of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines, as well as mineral water and other drinks containing dissolved carbon dioxide.
Tags: carbon isotopes 13с / 12с dissolved carbon dioxide preparing samples изотопы углерода 13с / 12с подготовка проб растворенный углекислый газ
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
E. A. Okunskaya, K. S. Sychev
Qualification of HPLC equipment. Testing of silica-based HILIC and IC columns DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
An original method is proposed for testing polar columns based on silica gel under conditions of ionic, hydrophilic, and mixed ion-hydrophilic HPLC. It allows to evaluate and compare the physicochemical and operational characteristics of the columns: HILIC retention, sign and charge of the ion exchanger (that determine the retention in ion chromatography and the selectivity in mixed IC / HILIC HPLC), chemical inertness of polar silica-based stationary phases and packing efficiency. The conditions under which the proposed test can be successfully applied to qualify chromatographic columns for HILIC and IC HPLC are discussed.
Qualification of HPLC equipment. Testing of silica-based HILIC and IC columns DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.
An original method is proposed for testing polar columns based on silica gel under conditions of ionic, hydrophilic, and mixed ion-hydrophilic HPLC. It allows to evaluate and compare the physicochemical and operational characteristics of the columns: HILIC retention, sign and charge of the ion exchanger (that determine the retention in ion chromatography and the selectivity in mixed IC / HILIC HPLC), chemical inertness of polar silica-based stationary phases and packing efficiency. The conditions under which the proposed test can be successfully applied to qualify chromatographic columns for HILIC and IC HPLC are discussed.
Tags: hilic hplc ic hplc mobile phase stationary phase ионная и гидрофильная вэжх неподвижная фаза подвижная фаза силикагель
T. G. Borisova, A. V. Borisov
SHIMADZU: New Analytical and Testing Equipment 2019 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.302.304
The company Shimadzu works on the analytical market for over one hundred and forty years, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of analytical and testing equipment. Instruments can be used for routine analysis and the study of complex samples. Shimadzu equipment is used in research laboratories, accredited testing centers, working in various fields of science and production: food industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, etc. The article introduces the reader to new devices in the field of liquid chromatography and test equipment, their capabilities and features.
SHIMADZU: New Analytical and Testing Equipment 2019 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.302.304
The company Shimadzu works on the analytical market for over one hundred and forty years, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of analytical and testing equipment. Instruments can be used for routine analysis and the study of complex samples. Shimadzu equipment is used in research laboratories, accredited testing centers, working in various fields of science and production: food industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, etc. The article introduces the reader to new devices in the field of liquid chromatography and test equipment, their capabilities and features.
Tags: analytical method liquid chromatography testing machines аналитический метод жидкостная хроматография испытательные машины
E. V. Bezrukov, Z. B. Hesina
Chromatography-mass spectrometric determination of the composition of food flavorings DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.306.310
The results of a study of the chemical composition of food flavors «Duchess», «Fruit» and «Fried Bacon» are presented. The possibility of using the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine the component composition of food flavorings is shown. The experiments were carried out on the basis of a Trace 1310 GC gas chromatograph with a built-in evaporator with and without division of the SSL stream and TSQ DUO mass-selective detector.
Chromatography-mass spectrometric determination of the composition of food flavorings DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.306.310
The results of a study of the chemical composition of food flavors «Duchess», «Fruit» and «Fried Bacon» are presented. The possibility of using the method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine the component composition of food flavorings is shown. The experiments were carried out on the basis of a Trace 1310 GC gas chromatograph with a built-in evaporator with and without division of the SSL stream and TSQ DUO mass-selective detector.
Tags: food flavorings gas chromatography-mass spectrometry mass-selective detector газовая хромато-масс-спектрометрия масс-селективный детектор пищевые ароматизаторы
N. A. Petushkov
High Pressure Chemical Laboratory Reactors: Key Features and Applications DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.312.313
The characteristics of high pressure chemical reactors of two types: a traditional design and using supercritical fluid extraction. Their capabilities and applications are discussed, and the advantages of the second type of reactors are noted. Examples of practical use in various applications are given. Particular attention is paid to safety and automation of the extraction process.
High Pressure Chemical Laboratory Reactors: Key Features and Applications DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.312.313
The characteristics of high pressure chemical reactors of two types: a traditional design and using supercritical fluid extraction. Their capabilities and applications are discussed, and the advantages of the second type of reactors are noted. Examples of practical use in various applications are given. Particular attention is paid to safety and automation of the extraction process.
Tags: high pressure reactor solvent supercritical fluid extraction высокое давление растворитель реактор сверхкритическая флюидная экстракция
Historic chapters
Yu. A. Zolotov
He was considered an unrealized genius. Universal chemist Yu. A. Klyachko DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.320.322
In 2020, marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko (1910–2004), doctor of chemical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, a well-known chemist, primarily an analytical chemist. He did a lot to determine gases and non-metallic impurities in metals and alloys, to analyze food products; was one of the few who delved into the so-called general questions of analytical chemistry. But his interests extended to many other areas: he published many works on the structure of metals, on the appearance of hydrogen in the production and processing of aluminum.
He was considered an unrealized genius. Universal chemist Yu. A. Klyachko DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.320.322
In 2020, marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko (1910–2004), doctor of chemical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, a well-known chemist, primarily an analytical chemist. He did a lot to determine gases and non-metallic impurities in metals and alloys, to analyze food products; was one of the few who delved into the so-called general questions of analytical chemistry. But his interests extended to many other areas: he published many works on the structure of metals, on the appearance of hydrogen in the production and processing of aluminum.
Tags: aluminum analytical chemistry impurities in metals and alloys metal structure алюминий аналитическая химия примеси в металлах и сплавах структура металлов
Science and education
B. L. Milman, T. V. Ostrovidova, I. K. Zhurkovich
Chemistry‑2018. New hot research fields DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.314.318
This article is forth one in the series of articles describing a monitoring of hottest fields of chemistry, including analytical chemistry. The monitoring is based on the use of modern scientometric techniques, namely a citation / co-citation statistics of scientific articles. The study focuses on a subject matter of emerging research fronts. This methodology results in the conclusion that in 2018 research fronts in solar energetics, nanotechnologies, and chemical catalysis, were continued. The distinct trend of biologization and miniaturization of chemical analysis was also remained.
Chemistry‑2018. New hot research fields DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2019.09.4.314.318
This article is forth one in the series of articles describing a monitoring of hottest fields of chemistry, including analytical chemistry. The monitoring is based on the use of modern scientometric techniques, namely a citation / co-citation statistics of scientific articles. The study focuses on a subject matter of emerging research fronts. This methodology results in the conclusion that in 2018 research fronts in solar energetics, nanotechnologies, and chemical catalysis, were continued. The distinct trend of biologization and miniaturization of chemical analysis was also remained.