Exhibitions and Conferences
S. V. Ivashko
XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry: Chronicle of Events The XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry was held from September 9 to 13 in St. Petersburg. It is one of the key events of the International Year of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, with which the UN General Assembly announced 2019. The convention is timed to the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements by Dmitry Mendeleev. Under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Year of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements takes place in Russia, France, Germany, Spain, the USA, Japan and is accompanied by scientific conferences, thematic exhibitions, competitions of young scientists and other events. According to official figures, only in Russia their number exceeded 500.
XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry: Chronicle of Events The XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry was held from September 9 to 13 in St. Petersburg. It is one of the key events of the International Year of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, with which the UN General Assembly announced 2019. The convention is timed to the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements by Dmitry Mendeleev. Under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Year of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements takes place in Russia, France, Germany, Spain, the USA, Japan and is accompanied by scientific conferences, thematic exhibitions, competitions of young scientists and other events. According to official figures, only in Russia their number exceeded 500.
Tags: chemistry d. i. mendeleev periodic system of chemical elements scientific conference universe вселенная д. и. менделеев научная конференция периодическая система химических элементов химия
Modern laboratory
R. M. Dvoretskov, A. V. Slavin
Analytical Control of New Generation Aviation Materials The laboratory Spectral, chemical-analytical studies and reference materials is a structural unit of the Test Center of the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM). Laboratory specialists are engaged in the study of the chemical composition of alloys on various bases: nickel, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant, high-alloy steels, alloys based on refractory metals, on the basis of titanium, aluminum, magnesium; analysis of pure metals, ligatures, electrolyte baths, slag, binders, additives, coatings and other aviation materials and semi-finished products. The laboratory is developing methods of analysis of new aviation materials and standard samples of alloy composition.
Analytical Control of New Generation Aviation Materials The laboratory Spectral, chemical-analytical studies and reference materials is a structural unit of the Test Center of the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM). Laboratory specialists are engaged in the study of the chemical composition of alloys on various bases: nickel, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant, high-alloy steels, alloys based on refractory metals, on the basis of titanium, aluminum, magnesium; analysis of pure metals, ligatures, electrolyte baths, slag, binders, additives, coatings and other aviation materials and semi-finished products. The laboratory is developing methods of analysis of new aviation materials and standard samples of alloy composition.
Tags: analysis of new aviation materials reference samples spectral studies анализ новых авиационных материалов спектральные исследования эталонные образцы
Analytics of Substances and Materials
A. V. Krekhova
Determination Method of Impurity Content in Transformer Oil by Acoustic Damping Coefficient The issues of increasing reliability and the service life of transformers are discussed.
In transformer control and diagnostics system an acoustic method is one of perspective methods to detect transformer defects. It bases on measurement of the acoustic signals made by impurity presence in transformer oil. The moisture and cellulose content are considered as impurities, which influence on transformer oil quality. The article describes the procedure for performing tests of transformer oil by acoustic method, and the procedure for processing experimental data. The damping factor is considered as a criterion of transformer oil operability by parameters of humidification and cellulose content.
Determination Method of Impurity Content in Transformer Oil by Acoustic Damping Coefficient The issues of increasing reliability and the service life of transformers are discussed.
In transformer control and diagnostics system an acoustic method is one of perspective methods to detect transformer defects. It bases on measurement of the acoustic signals made by impurity presence in transformer oil. The moisture and cellulose content are considered as impurities, which influence on transformer oil quality. The article describes the procedure for performing tests of transformer oil by acoustic method, and the procedure for processing experimental data. The damping factor is considered as a criterion of transformer oil operability by parameters of humidification and cellulose content.
Tags: acoustic signal cellulose damping factor of the medium impurities transformer oil акустический сигнал коэффициент демпфирования средой примеси трансформаторное масло целлюлоза
A. A. Nikolaeva, A. A. Ivanov, E. I. Korotkova
Determination of Synthetic Food Dye Indigo Carmine in Pharmaceutical Preparations by the Method of Fluorimetry A new method of fluorimetric determination of a synthetic food dye E132 has been proposed. The luminescence spectra of the investigated indigo carmine leucocompound were studied. Using synchronous scanning, the optimal excitation wavelength of the indigo carmine leucocompound 270 nm was found, at which the most intense luminescence is observed at a wavelength of 410 nm, and the luminescence signal lifetime was calculated. The developed technique has been successfully applied for the quantitative determination of synthetic indigo carmine dyes (E132), tested on medicines and vitamins for children. The method is in good agreement with the results of HPLC of E132 in an aqueous solution in the studied objects and can be used for quality and safety control of pharmaceutical preparations.
Determination of Synthetic Food Dye Indigo Carmine in Pharmaceutical Preparations by the Method of Fluorimetry A new method of fluorimetric determination of a synthetic food dye E132 has been proposed. The luminescence spectra of the investigated indigo carmine leucocompound were studied. Using synchronous scanning, the optimal excitation wavelength of the indigo carmine leucocompound 270 nm was found, at which the most intense luminescence is observed at a wavelength of 410 nm, and the luminescence signal lifetime was calculated. The developed technique has been successfully applied for the quantitative determination of synthetic indigo carmine dyes (E132), tested on medicines and vitamins for children. The method is in good agreement with the results of HPLC of E132 in an aqueous solution in the studied objects and can be used for quality and safety control of pharmaceutical preparations.
Tags: fluorimetry high performance liquid chromatography indigo carmine pharmaceuticals synthetic food dyes высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография индигокармин синтетические пищевые красители фармацевтические препараты флуориметрия
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
H. Niimi, Yu. Sakuda, N. Asano, Sh. Asahina
Observation and Analysis at Low Accelerating Voltage Using Ultra High Resolution FE-SEM JSM 7900F JEOL has continued to develop the scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) over 50 years since the release of JSM 1 in 1966. SEM is used in a wide range of fields such as research, development and quality assurance because it can obtain fine uneven structures and compositional information on the sample surface. Recently, it is requisite for high spatial resolution (hereinafter referred to as resolution) in the surface observation, charging reduction, sample damage reduction and surface analysis to the SEM. We show the new techniques for satisfying these requirements using low accelerating voltage and its applications in this paper.
Observation and Analysis at Low Accelerating Voltage Using Ultra High Resolution FE-SEM JSM 7900F JEOL has continued to develop the scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) over 50 years since the release of JSM 1 in 1966. SEM is used in a wide range of fields such as research, development and quality assurance because it can obtain fine uneven structures and compositional information on the sample surface. Recently, it is requisite for high spatial resolution (hereinafter referred to as resolution) in the surface observation, charging reduction, sample damage reduction and surface analysis to the SEM. We show the new techniques for satisfying these requirements using low accelerating voltage and its applications in this paper.
Tags: elemental analysis low accelerating voltage retarding voltage scanning electron microscopes soft x ray emission spectroscopic analysis анализ мягкого рентгеновского излучения замедляющее напряжение низкое ускоряющее напряжение растровый электронный микроскоп элементный анализ
A. E. Kamenshchikov, I. V. Lavrenov, V. E. Fomin
Use of Secondary Targets in Genius IF Energy Dispersive X ray Fluorescence Spectrometers X ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is one of the best analytical methods for elemental analysis of a wide variety of samples – solids, liquids, and powders. The principle of operation of equipment for energy dispersive (ED) X ray powder diffraction analysis is described. Methods of increasing sensitivity by improving the efficiency of recording an X ray luminescence signal using filters and secondary targets are discussed. Experiments were carried out with direct excitation of the sample, as well as with the use of filters and secondary targets. Examples of practical applications are demonstrated in which a significant increase in the signal-to-noise ratio is observed when using secondary targets in the entire spectral range with an appropriate choice of target material. The effect of the target material on the intensity of analyte lines is experimentally shown.
Use of Secondary Targets in Genius IF Energy Dispersive X ray Fluorescence Spectrometers X ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is one of the best analytical methods for elemental analysis of a wide variety of samples – solids, liquids, and powders. The principle of operation of equipment for energy dispersive (ED) X ray powder diffraction analysis is described. Methods of increasing sensitivity by improving the efficiency of recording an X ray luminescence signal using filters and secondary targets are discussed. Experiments were carried out with direct excitation of the sample, as well as with the use of filters and secondary targets. Examples of practical applications are demonstrated in which a significant increase in the signal-to-noise ratio is observed when using secondary targets in the entire spectral range with an appropriate choice of target material. The effect of the target material on the intensity of analyte lines is experimentally shown.
Tags: elemental analysis energy dispersive analysis secondary targets x-ray radiation вторичные мишени рентгеновское излучение элементный анализ энергодисперсионный анализ
B. F. Sulaiman, V. F. Nikolaev, R. B. Sultanova, G. Sh. Skvortsova
Assessment of the Mineral Composition of Natural Waters using Conducto-Stochastic Method An conductive-stochastic approach to the composition assessmentofnatural water by the six main ions (Ca2+, Na+ / К+, Mg2+, HCO3–, SO42–, Cl–) is proposed. The approach is based on the measurement of analytical signals of integral physical methods – conductometry, refractometry and densimetry. Based on the statistical analysis of the array of empirical information for 500 natural waters obtained 15 stochastic equations, dictated by pair and group ionic correlations, changing with the growth of conductivity. The initial assessment of the ionic composition is based on the solution of the system of stochastic equations by the weighted least squares method for a given experimental conductivity of a water sample. In the future, the developed method can be used in routine field/portable hydrochemical express analyzers, submersible/deep probes and monitoring buoys equipped with conductometer, refractometer and densimeter.
Assessment of the Mineral Composition of Natural Waters using Conducto-Stochastic Method An conductive-stochastic approach to the composition assessmentofnatural water by the six main ions (Ca2+, Na+ / К+, Mg2+, HCO3–, SO42–, Cl–) is proposed. The approach is based on the measurement of analytical signals of integral physical methods – conductometry, refractometry and densimetry. Based on the statistical analysis of the array of empirical information for 500 natural waters obtained 15 stochastic equations, dictated by pair and group ionic correlations, changing with the growth of conductivity. The initial assessment of the ionic composition is based on the solution of the system of stochastic equations by the weighted least squares method for a given experimental conductivity of a water sample. In the future, the developed method can be used in routine field/portable hydrochemical express analyzers, submersible/deep probes and monitoring buoys equipped with conductometer, refractometer and densimeter.