Competent opinion
Modern laboratory
O. E. Pukhova, T. F. Vasekina, N. V. Rovinskaya, I. V. Boryagina
Testing Laboratory JSC Supermetal: Quickly, Reliably and Reliably. The article presents the activities of the Test Laboratory of JSC Supermetall (TL), the methods of analysis used to determine the composition of platinum metals, their alloys and impurity elements in the processing of secondary raw materials of precious metals and the manufacture of technical products from them. A brief description of the measurement methods used and their metrological characteristics are given. A unified method for determining impurities, taking into account the influence of matrix effects, is proposed. The laboratory is accredited and takes part in the certification of standard samples of the composition and inter-laboratory comparison tests.
Testing Laboratory JSC Supermetal: Quickly, Reliably and Reliably. The article presents the activities of the Test Laboratory of JSC Supermetall (TL), the methods of analysis used to determine the composition of platinum metals, their alloys and impurity elements in the processing of secondary raw materials of precious metals and the manufacture of technical products from them. A brief description of the measurement methods used and their metrological characteristics are given. A unified method for determining impurities, taking into account the influence of matrix effects, is proposed. The laboratory is accredited and takes part in the certification of standard samples of the composition and inter-laboratory comparison tests.
Tags: analysis chemical composition impurities platinum group metals анализ металлы платиновой группы примеси химический состав
Expert evaluation
Analytics of Substances and Materials
R. A. Dvorikova, V. A. Vasnjov, O. V. Baranov
New Polymer Magnetic Nanomaterials New approach to obtaining of magnetic nanomaterials by thermal structural transformations of ferrocene-containing polyphenylenes (FPPH) and polykhalcons (FPCH) is proposed. The maximum magnetization of materials based on FPPH was 32 Gs • cm3/g, and based on FPCH reached to 43 Gs • cm3/g in a magnetic filed of 200 A/m . The average size of magnetic nanoparticles according to transmission electron microscopy of nanomaterials based on FPPH ranged from 6 to 22 nm, and on the basis FPCH - from 4 to 53 nm. X-ray diffraction study showed that the magnetic nanomaterials, obtained after heating of FPPH in the temperature range from 250 to 500 °С contained mainly magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles, while the magnetic materials obtained after heating of FPCH at 500 °С and 1 000 °С, contained 43 and 75% nonvalent iron (FeO). According to thermogravimetric tests, mass loss of nanomaterial from FPPH in argon occurs mainly in range at 600 °С and of nanomaterial from FPCH - in range at 700°С, and the mass of solid residue is 85-95%.
New Polymer Magnetic Nanomaterials New approach to obtaining of magnetic nanomaterials by thermal structural transformations of ferrocene-containing polyphenylenes (FPPH) and polykhalcons (FPCH) is proposed. The maximum magnetization of materials based on FPPH was 32 Gs • cm3/g, and based on FPCH reached to 43 Gs • cm3/g in a magnetic filed of 200 A/m . The average size of magnetic nanoparticles according to transmission electron microscopy of nanomaterials based on FPPH ranged from 6 to 22 nm, and on the basis FPCH - from 4 to 53 nm. X-ray diffraction study showed that the magnetic nanomaterials, obtained after heating of FPPH in the temperature range from 250 to 500 °С contained mainly magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles, while the magnetic materials obtained after heating of FPCH at 500 °С and 1 000 °С, contained 43 and 75% nonvalent iron (FeO). According to thermogravimetric tests, mass loss of nanomaterial from FPPH in argon occurs mainly in range at 600 °С and of nanomaterial from FPCH - in range at 700°С, and the mass of solid residue is 85-95%.
Tags: magnetization nanomaterials polychalcones polyphenylenes transmission microscopy намагниченность наноматериалы полифенилены полихалконы просвечивающая микроскопия
Analysis and control: methods, instruments, solutions
S. Motoki
Development of Cryo High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope CRYO ARM 300, Equipped with Cold Field Emission Gun for Structural Biology This paper reports a 300 kV cryo-electron microscope, CRYO ARM 300, recently developed. This system features various kinds of automated functions mainly for acquiring data for single particle analysis of high resolution and high throughput. We report each feature of the function for this CRYO ARM 300, and show the recent application result of high resolution.
Development of Cryo High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope CRYO ARM 300, Equipped with Cold Field Emission Gun for Structural Biology This paper reports a 300 kV cryo-electron microscope, CRYO ARM 300, recently developed. This system features various kinds of automated functions mainly for acquiring data for single particle analysis of high resolution and high throughput. We report each feature of the function for this CRYO ARM 300, and show the recent application result of high resolution.
Tags: 3d-structural analysis 3d структурный анализ cryo em cryo stage single particle analysis spa анализ отдельных частиц криостолик крио-эм
A. A. Frolov
New Visual Inspection Systems for Technology Of Industry 4.0 The term industry 4.0 means the onset of the fourth industrial revolution, which is associated with concepts such as the industrial Internet of things, digital enterprise, artificial intelligence, additive technologies, etc. The basic principles of Industry 4.0 are the integration of all stages of the production cycle into a single information space and the interaction of machines without human intervention. The effect of the implementation of the technology is possible only if well-established processes of obtaining, analyzing and exchanging data. The most important element of Industry 4.0 is visual control systems. Different options are described: system of technical vision (EVO Cam-II, Vision Engineering), digital research microscope with high resolution (Hirox RH8800), digital 3D visual inspection system combining the advantages of optical stereomicroscopy and digital technologies into a single unique system (DRV-Z1, Vision Engineering).
New Visual Inspection Systems for Technology Of Industry 4.0 The term industry 4.0 means the onset of the fourth industrial revolution, which is associated with concepts such as the industrial Internet of things, digital enterprise, artificial intelligence, additive technologies, etc. The basic principles of Industry 4.0 are the integration of all stages of the production cycle into a single information space and the interaction of machines without human intervention. The effect of the implementation of the technology is possible only if well-established processes of obtaining, analyzing and exchanging data. The most important element of Industry 4.0 is visual control systems. Different options are described: system of technical vision (EVO Cam-II, Vision Engineering), digital research microscope with high resolution (Hirox RH8800), digital 3D visual inspection system combining the advantages of optical stereomicroscopy and digital technologies into a single unique system (DRV-Z1, Vision Engineering).
Tags: 3d microscope 3d микроскоп digitization microscopy technology visual control system система визуального контроля технология микроскопии цифровизация
E. V. Мalevanaia,E. G. Strelnikova,N. N. Zibina
Application of Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnostics of Adrenal Diseases (Review) The ability to determine the final and intermediate products of a steroidogenesis makes chromatographic methods, especially chromatography-mass spectrometry, the most valuable in the complex diagnostics of diseases of the pituitary-adrenal system. Different kinds of the sample preparation of biological samples before gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis are described.
The stages of enzymatic hydrolysis, extraction and derivatization of steroids are considered. The second part of the review is devoted to the clinical application of GC-MS method for the diagnostics of various forms of endogenous hypercortisolism, adrenocortical cancer, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and enzymatic disorders of steroid metabolism.
Application of Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry in the Diagnostics of Adrenal Diseases (Review) The ability to determine the final and intermediate products of a steroidogenesis makes chromatographic methods, especially chromatography-mass spectrometry, the most valuable in the complex diagnostics of diseases of the pituitary-adrenal system. Different kinds of the sample preparation of biological samples before gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis are described.
The stages of enzymatic hydrolysis, extraction and derivatization of steroids are considered. The second part of the review is devoted to the clinical application of GC-MS method for the diagnostics of various forms of endogenous hypercortisolism, adrenocortical cancer, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and enzymatic disorders of steroid metabolism.
Tags: steroids; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; steroid profile; стероиды; газовая хромато-масс-спектрометрия; стероидный профиль
K. S. Sychev
The Use of Ion High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Pharmaceutical Analysis Examples of the use of ion chromatography for pharmaceutical analysis are shown: quality control of drugs, screening and isolation of impurities, pharmacokinetic studies. The difficulties of working with ion-pair chromatography are described, the instability and poor reproducibility of the results are noted. Methods for improving peak symmetry using special column processing and a special temperature regime for chromatographic separation are discussed. Chromatograms using the stationary phase I.B.S.pharm MA are presented. A summary of the advantages of ionic separation for laboratories of quality control departments (QC) and research and development (R&D) in pharmaceutical industries is presented.
The Use of Ion High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Pharmaceutical Analysis Examples of the use of ion chromatography for pharmaceutical analysis are shown: quality control of drugs, screening and isolation of impurities, pharmacokinetic studies. The difficulties of working with ion-pair chromatography are described, the instability and poor reproducibility of the results are noted. Methods for improving peak symmetry using special column processing and a special temperature regime for chromatographic separation are discussed. Chromatograms using the stationary phase I.B.S.pharm MA are presented. A summary of the advantages of ionic separation for laboratories of quality control departments (QC) and research and development (R&D) in pharmaceutical industries is presented.
Tags: group selectivity ion high-performance liquid chromatography isocratic separation stationary phase групповая селективность изократическое разделение ионная высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография неподвижная фаза
Historic chapters
Science and education
O. A. Lavrentieva, V. V. Rodchenkova
Department of Analytical Chemistry of Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov – a Forge of Personnel, a Bastion of Fundamental Science and a Generator of New Ideas The Department of Analytical Chemistry is one of the leading faculty of chemistry at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and, perhaps, the most authoritative among the educational and scientific units of a similar profile in Russia. The same age as the Faculty of Chemistry, the department has a rich history, keeps traditions and is proud that many outstanding scientists worked in its composition. And today the level of professionalism of the scientific team is very high, as evidenced by numerous publications in prestigious publications and significant successes in fundamental and applied research. In the fall of 2019, 90 years have passed since the foundation of the department. Heads of laboratories and leading employees of the department told us about academic and scientific work, successes and achievements, problems, prospects and plans for the future.
Department of Analytical Chemistry of Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov – a Forge of Personnel, a Bastion of Fundamental Science and a Generator of New Ideas The Department of Analytical Chemistry is one of the leading faculty of chemistry at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and, perhaps, the most authoritative among the educational and scientific units of a similar profile in Russia. The same age as the Faculty of Chemistry, the department has a rich history, keeps traditions and is proud that many outstanding scientists worked in its composition. And today the level of professionalism of the scientific team is very high, as evidenced by numerous publications in prestigious publications and significant successes in fundamental and applied research. In the fall of 2019, 90 years have passed since the foundation of the department. Heads of laboratories and leading employees of the department told us about academic and scientific work, successes and achievements, problems, prospects and plans for the future.