Competent opinion
V. V. Shuntikov
The Company Metrohm RUS Comes Into Contact With Users DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The Company Metrohm RUS Comes Into Contact With Users DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Modern laboratory
O. A. Lavrentieva, V. V. Rodchenkova
Fundamental Science is the Source of New Technologies DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Almost 20 years ago at the Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS the Center for the collective use of physical methods was created to solve practical problems in the study of the physicochemical properties of a substance. A high-tech park has been assembled unique equipment that allows you to conduct a variety of basic and applied research using methods of x-ray spectral analysis, NMR, chromatography-mass spectrometry, Raman and IR spectroscopy, fluorescence, thermal analysis, etc.
Fundamental Science is the Source of New Technologies DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Almost 20 years ago at the Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS the Center for the collective use of physical methods was created to solve practical problems in the study of the physicochemical properties of a substance. A high-tech park has been assembled unique equipment that allows you to conduct a variety of basic and applied research using methods of x-ray spectral analysis, NMR, chromatography-mass spectrometry, Raman and IR spectroscopy, fluorescence, thermal analysis, etc.
Tags: analytical equipment ir spectroscopy luminescence nmr physical methods research thermal analysis аналитическое оборудование ик-спектроскопия люминесценция термоанализ физические методы исследования ямр
Chemical Analysis Metrology
E. A. Novikov
About Measuring Particulate Contamination of Liquids DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The approaches to calculating the mass fraction of mechanical impurities, as well as optical methods for direct and automatic determination of the counted concentration of particles, are described. The current regulatory documents, recommended instruments, methods for expressing the quantitative content of particles of various sizes, as well as the principles of encoding liquid purity, are considered. A comparison is made of three officially accepted methods in the Russian Federation for measuring the counted concentration of particles using automatic counters, their general and distinctive features are compared.
About Measuring Particulate Contamination of Liquids DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The approaches to calculating the mass fraction of mechanical impurities, as well as optical methods for direct and automatic determination of the counted concentration of particles, are described. The current regulatory documents, recommended instruments, methods for expressing the quantitative content of particles of various sizes, as well as the principles of encoding liquid purity, are considered. A comparison is made of three officially accepted methods in the Russian Federation for measuring the counted concentration of particles using automatic counters, their general and distinctive features are compared.
Tags: automatic counters keywords: the counted concentration of particles mass fraction of mechanical impurities quantitative methods regulatory documents автоматические счетчики количественные методы массовая доля механических примесей нормативные документы счетная концентрация частиц
S. N. Stepanov, S. B. Tarasov, A. V. Petrov, S. S. Stepanov
Investigation of measurement errors of Gage Block Comparator UKM 100 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The error was estimated and the measurement uncertainty was calculated on a UKM 100 comparator for checking end length measures. The factors influencing the measurement uncertainty are determined, the total standard as well as the extended measurement uncertainty are calculated. The main technical characteristics of the UKM 100 comparator are listed. The calibration process of the UKM 100 comparator is described, the criteria are established, the measurement protocol is given.
Investigation of measurement errors of Gage Block Comparator UKM 100 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The error was estimated and the measurement uncertainty was calculated on a UKM 100 comparator for checking end length measures. The factors influencing the measurement uncertainty are determined, the total standard as well as the extended measurement uncertainty are calculated. The main technical characteristics of the UKM 100 comparator are listed. The calibration process of the UKM 100 comparator is described, the criteria are established, the measurement protocol is given.
Tags: calibration comparator end length measure measurement error measurement uncertainty median length калибровка компаратор концевая мера длины неопределенность измерений погрешность измерений срединная длина
Analytical Methods and Instruments
I. N. Musin, I. Z. Fayzullin, S. I. Volfson, R. B. Yuferev
Evaluation of the Properties of Wood-Polymer Composites by Microtomography DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The results of evaluating the properties of wood-polymer composites (WPC) are presented. As objects of study were selected commercially available WPC based on different polymers. To analyze the structure of WPC using computer microtomography – one of enough new non-destructive methods for the study of the bulk structure of composites using X rays. To assess the overall durability and behavior of finished products in actual use tests were carried out in special devices artificial weather (weatherometer).
Evaluation of the Properties of Wood-Polymer Composites by Microtomography DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The results of evaluating the properties of wood-polymer composites (WPC) are presented. As objects of study were selected commercially available WPC based on different polymers. To analyze the structure of WPC using computer microtomography – one of enough new non-destructive methods for the study of the bulk structure of composites using X rays. To assess the overall durability and behavior of finished products in actual use tests were carried out in special devices artificial weather (weatherometer).
Tags: microtomography физико-механические свойства physical and mechanical properties polyethylene polypropylene polyvinyl chloride wood flour wood-polymer composite древесная мука древесно-полимерный композит микротомография поливинилхлорид полипропилен полиэтилен
Cubis II Pharma Compliant by Design DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
A detailed description of the finished modular weighing complex based on Cubis II scales and the Sartorius QApp application package is given, which meets the high standards of the pharmaceutical industry in accuracy, reliability, reproducibility and safety. Particular attention is paid to the optimal transmission, processing, storage and protection of data integrity in strict accordance with regulatory documents. Options for user management, electronic signatures, secure data transfer, additional means of procedural control are discussed.
Cubis II Pharma Compliant by Design DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
A detailed description of the finished modular weighing complex based on Cubis II scales and the Sartorius QApp application package is given, which meets the high standards of the pharmaceutical industry in accuracy, reliability, reproducibility and safety. Particular attention is paid to the optimal transmission, processing, storage and protection of data integrity in strict accordance with regulatory documents. Options for user management, electronic signatures, secure data transfer, additional means of procedural control are discussed.
Tags: data integrity electronic signature laboratory balance pharmaceutical industry qapp application package reporting function user management лабораторные весы пакет приложений qapp фармацевтическая отрасль функция формирования отчетов целостность данных электронная подпись
M. N. Filippov
Standardless X ray Spectral Analysis: Reality or Myth? DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The article is based on the material of the author’s plenary report at the III All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy. The reason for its writing was the fact that the author, in the process of reviewing many scientific papers, came across completely unacceptable results of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) obtained with modern instruments. Today, a significant part of electron microscopes is equipped with energy dispersive X ray spectrometers (EDS) with appropriate mathematical software. As a result of this, an additional opportunity arises – conducting a EPMA the studied object. The manuals for using these spectrometers offer a fairly simple and fast analysis algorithm, usually without any reference samples (RS). This approach is called standardless analysis (SA). The development of SA and the problem of correct definitions are discussed.
Standardless X ray Spectral Analysis: Reality or Myth? DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
The article is based on the material of the author’s plenary report at the III All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy. The reason for its writing was the fact that the author, in the process of reviewing many scientific papers, came across completely unacceptable results of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) obtained with modern instruments. Today, a significant part of electron microscopes is equipped with energy dispersive X ray spectrometers (EDS) with appropriate mathematical software. As a result of this, an additional opportunity arises – conducting a EPMA the studied object. The manuals for using these spectrometers offer a fairly simple and fast analysis algorithm, usually without any reference samples (RS). This approach is called standardless analysis (SA). The development of SA and the problem of correct definitions are discussed.
Tags: electron microscope electron probe microanalysis energy dispersive x ray spectrometers standardless analysis безэталонный анализ электрозондовый микроанализ электронный микроскоп энергодисперсионные рентгеновские спектрометры
V. A. Lapin, A. V. Astahov
Laboratory Catalytic Plants by RPC Meta-chrom for Petrochemistry DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Various catalytic plants manufactured by the Meta-chrome scientific and production company are described, which are designed for operation in both laboratory and production conditions. Their technical characteristics are presented, features, advantages and areas of application, ranges of operating parameters and methods used are considered. Along with good technical performance, compact modular designs, ease of maintenance, repair and the possibility of upgrading the installation for new tasks were noted.
Laboratory Catalytic Plants by RPC Meta-chrom for Petrochemistry DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Various catalytic plants manufactured by the Meta-chrome scientific and production company are described, which are designed for operation in both laboratory and production conditions. Their technical characteristics are presented, features, advantages and areas of application, ranges of operating parameters and methods used are considered. Along with good technical performance, compact modular designs, ease of maintenance, repair and the possibility of upgrading the installation for new tasks were noted.
Tags: catalysts catalytic processes coking cracking hydrotreating oil refining reactor equipment гидроочистка катализаторы каталитические процессы коксование крекинг нефтепереработка реакторное оборудование
O. V. Pelipasov, V. А. Labusov, А. N. Put’makov
Grand-MP – Atomic Emission Spectrometry With Microwave Plasma DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Atomic emission spectrometry with microwave plasma (MP-AES) is an attractive method for the elemental analysis of solutions, because it allows the use of nitrogen produced by a generator from air as a working gas. Changing the analyte excitation conditions by varying the parameters of the plasma excitation source has become a necessary set of options for modern optical spectrometers when developing new or adapting existing analysis methods. The use of microwave plasma of the toroidal shape of the Grand-MP spectrometer, stable over a wide range of operating parameters, made it possible to significantly improve the characteristics of the MP-AES method.
Grand-MP – Atomic Emission Spectrometry With Microwave Plasma DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Atomic emission spectrometry with microwave plasma (MP-AES) is an attractive method for the elemental analysis of solutions, because it allows the use of nitrogen produced by a generator from air as a working gas. Changing the analyte excitation conditions by varying the parameters of the plasma excitation source has become a necessary set of options for modern optical spectrometers when developing new or adapting existing analysis methods. The use of microwave plasma of the toroidal shape of the Grand-MP spectrometer, stable over a wide range of operating parameters, made it possible to significantly improve the characteristics of the MP-AES method.
Tags: analytical characteristics atomic emission analysis micrwowave plasma spectrometer spectrum excitation source аналитические характеристики атомно-эмиссионный анализ источник возбуждения спектров микроволновая плазма спектрометр
Personnel Training
E. A. Baum
New Educational Paradigm of Practical-Oriented Teaching of History of Chemistry at the Universities: Experience of the Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
On December 10, 2019, the Second Student Scientific -Practical Conference On the History of Chemical Instrumentation and Chemical-Technological Processes, organized jointly by the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University and the supervisors of the Polytechnic Museum was held in the building of Open Collections of Polytechnic Museum. The conference considered the final reports of 14 students of third year of study from Chemistry Department who during the fall semester of 2019 studied the artifacts of the museum.
New Educational Paradigm of Practical-Oriented Teaching of History of Chemistry at the Universities: Experience of the Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
On December 10, 2019, the Second Student Scientific -Practical Conference On the History of Chemical Instrumentation and Chemical-Technological Processes, organized jointly by the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University and the supervisors of the Polytechnic Museum was held in the building of Open Collections of Polytechnic Museum. The conference considered the final reports of 14 students of third year of study from Chemistry Department who during the fall semester of 2019 studied the artifacts of the museum.
Tags: artifact attribution chemical instruments chemical technology conference higher education history of chemistry laboratory equipment moscow state university polytechnic museum артефакт история химии конференция лабораторное оборудование московский государственный университет политехнический музей химические технологии химический инструментарий
Historic chapters
Yu. A. Zolotov
Analytical Instrumentation Stars. Masao Horiba DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.
Analytical Instrumentation Stars. Masao Horiba DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2020.