V.B. Artaev
The More Complex the Analytical Task, the More LECO Separation Science Analytical Equipment’s Unique Characteristics are Highlighted DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The More Complex the Analytical Task, the More LECO Separation Science Analytical Equipment’s Unique Characteristics are Highlighted DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
Exhibitions and Conferences
A. S. Avilov, A. L. Vasil’ev
RCEM 2020 – 28th Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy – the Platform for the Exchange of Experience, Ideas and Scientific Achievements DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
RCEM 2020 – 28th Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy – the Platform for the Exchange of Experience, Ideas and Scientific Achievements DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
Modern laboratory
A. E. Krylova, O. A. Lavrentieva
Department of Physical Materials Science NUST MISiS: Our Strategy is the Interaction of Science and High Technologies DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
University science has traditionally performed several essential functions. Thanks to her, students and post-graduate students undergo professional training, gaining valuable experience under the guidance of highly qualified specialists - associate professors and professors. Joint work gives good scientific results, which are further embodied in new technologies. The key to the successful work of the educational and research team lies not only in the professionalism of the employees, but also in what equipment they have at their disposal and how much it meets modern requirements. The heads and staff of the department told us about the history of the creation of the department, the present day, the prospects for development, as well as the directions of research and equipment of laboratories
Department of Physical Materials Science NUST MISiS: Our Strategy is the Interaction of Science and High Technologies DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
University science has traditionally performed several essential functions. Thanks to her, students and post-graduate students undergo professional training, gaining valuable experience under the guidance of highly qualified specialists - associate professors and professors. Joint work gives good scientific results, which are further embodied in new technologies. The key to the successful work of the educational and research team lies not only in the professionalism of the employees, but also in what equipment they have at their disposal and how much it meets modern requirements. The heads and staff of the department told us about the history of the creation of the department, the present day, the prospects for development, as well as the directions of research and equipment of laboratories
Tags: biomedical nanomaterials diffractometer nust misis permanent magnets x-ray diffraction x-ray equipment биомедицинские наноматериалы дифрактометр ниту «мисис» постоянные магниты рентгеновское оборудование рентгенография
Analytics of Substances and Materials
K. S. Sychev, E. A. Okunskaya, I. A. Galushko, V. V. Orlovsky
Use of Surface-Porous HPLC Columns for Routine Analyzes on Standard HPLC Equipment DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The article demonstrates the practical possibility of the successful use of surface-porous phases for performing routine analyzes on standard HPLC equipment using a standard injection volume of 20 μL and a pressure of 400 and 600 bar, respectively. Under these conditions, for 2.7 μm surface-porous adsorbents, a specific efficiency of the order of 200-220 thousand tons / m was achieved. The results are illustrated with real examples of HPLC separations from the methods developed by the specialists of the IP company Sychev KS / I.B.S.
Use of Surface-Porous HPLC Columns for Routine Analyzes on Standard HPLC Equipment DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The article demonstrates the practical possibility of the successful use of surface-porous phases for performing routine analyzes on standard HPLC equipment using a standard injection volume of 20 μL and a pressure of 400 and 600 bar, respectively. Under these conditions, for 2.7 μm surface-porous adsorbents, a specific efficiency of the order of 200-220 thousand tons / m was achieved. The results are illustrated with real examples of HPLC separations from the methods developed by the specialists of the IP company Sychev KS / I.B.S.
Tags: hplc method separation efficiency surface-porous adsorbents вэжх-методика поверхностно-пористые адсорбенты эффективность разделения
Analytical Methods and Instruments
O. V. Rodinkov
Modern Trends in the Development Gas Chromatographic Head Space Analysis DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
In a review article prepared on the basis of the report at the IV All-Russian Conference Analytical chromatography and capillary electrophoresis (Krasnodar, September 2020), the current trends in the development of headspace gas chromatographic analysis, one of the most popular methods for determining volatiles, are discussed. , organic compounds in various objects: environ-ment, biological fluids, pharmaceuticals, food and many others. The advantages and disadvantages of static, dynamic and flow-through versions of headspace analysis and the prospects for their fur-ther development are considered.
Modern Trends in the Development Gas Chromatographic Head Space Analysis DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
In a review article prepared on the basis of the report at the IV All-Russian Conference Analytical chromatography and capillary electrophoresis (Krasnodar, September 2020), the current trends in the development of headspace gas chromatographic analysis, one of the most popular methods for determining volatiles, are discussed. , organic compounds in various objects: environ-ment, biological fluids, pharmaceuticals, food and many others. The advantages and disadvantages of static, dynamic and flow-through versions of headspace analysis and the prospects for their fur-ther development are considered.
Tags: concentration determination gas chromatography headspace analysis volatile organic compounds газовая хроматография концентрирование летучие органические соединения определение парофазный анализ
N. P. Bobyr, I. G. Lesina, A. A. Semenov, A. S. Anikin, N. E. Zabirova, A.V Lizunov, A. S. Kryukova, A. N. Bukin, E. V. Kozlova
Investigation of Tritium in Structural and Functional Materials by Radioluminography Method DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
Most methods of hydrogen isotopes analysis in construction and functional materials only enable to form an opinion about integral quantities of their concentrations failing to provide information about hydrogen distribution in the sample. A new highly-informative analysis technique such as radioluminography allows estimating, to a high precision, the content and distribution of tritium in different materials. It’s a new possibility for investigations of hydrogen interaction with the construction and functional materials. Radioluminography technique enables to deteсt tritium diffusion coefficient over a wide temperature range, even where the application of membrane methods is difficult. The use of various types of IP plates allows detecting tritium as to beta-radiation and X-ray bremsstrahlung. The paper provides examples of the application of the radioluminography method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of tritium on the surface and in the near-surface region of the sample.
Investigation of Tritium in Structural and Functional Materials by Radioluminography Method DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
Most methods of hydrogen isotopes analysis in construction and functional materials only enable to form an opinion about integral quantities of their concentrations failing to provide information about hydrogen distribution in the sample. A new highly-informative analysis technique such as radioluminography allows estimating, to a high precision, the content and distribution of tritium in different materials. It’s a new possibility for investigations of hydrogen interaction with the construction and functional materials. Radioluminography technique enables to deteсt tritium diffusion coefficient over a wide temperature range, even where the application of membrane methods is difficult. The use of various types of IP plates allows detecting tritium as to beta-radiation and X-ray bremsstrahlung. The paper provides examples of the application of the radioluminography method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of tritium on the surface and in the near-surface region of the sample.
Tags: concentration determination diffusion coefficient gas chromatography headspace analysis hydrogen isotopes photostimulated luminescence radioluminography tritium tritium distribution volatile organic compounds изотопы водорода коэффициент диффузии радиолюминография тритий фотостимулированная люминесценция
N. N. Gerasimenko
Boron Analysis in Glass Powder Using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The results of the quantitative determination of boron oxide content in glass by the XRF method on a ZSX Primus IV spectrometer using a 4 kW X-ray tube and a modern synthetic multilayer crystal analyzer RX85 are presented. An experimental check of the automatic pressure control system for maintaining a stable vacuum in the measuring chamber has been carried out. The influence of this parameter on the stability of the results obtained is shown. Repeatability tests have confirmed the quality of the results obtained.
Boron Analysis in Glass Powder Using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The results of the quantitative determination of boron oxide content in glass by the XRF method on a ZSX Primus IV spectrometer using a 4 kW X-ray tube and a modern synthetic multilayer crystal analyzer RX85 are presented. An experimental check of the automatic pressure control system for maintaining a stable vacuum in the measuring chamber has been carried out. The influence of this parameter on the stability of the results obtained is shown. Repeatability tests have confirmed the quality of the results obtained.
Tags: auto pressure control (apc) boron glass powder pressed powder method synthetic multilayer analyzer rx85 бор метод прессованных порошков синтетический многослойный кристалл-анализатор rx85 система автоматического контроля давления арс стекольный порошок
S. N. Stepanov, A. V. Petrov, S. S. Stepanov
Development of the PKM-100 Сomparator DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The design and peculiarities of the comparator PKM-100 pre-designated for measuring the median length and determining the deviation from the plane-parallel of the end reference plane-parallel measures of length 2, 3 and 4 bits and working accuracy classes 1-5 with a length of 0.1 to 100 mm. The design of the cassette for locating gage blocks from 0.5 to 100 mm and the measurement scheme on the PKM-100 comparator are described in detail. A special cassette based on a flat glass plate PI-60 was developed to base thin measures with a nominal length of 0.1 to 0.5 mm. in the second, there are channels for vacuum supply and reliable fixation of end measures with cross-sectional dimensions of 20 × 9 and 15 × 5 mm. Method and results of comparator verification confirming its technical characteristics are given, which allow to use comparator for verification of end measures of the second category.
Development of the PKM-100 Сomparator DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
The design and peculiarities of the comparator PKM-100 pre-designated for measuring the median length and determining the deviation from the plane-parallel of the end reference plane-parallel measures of length 2, 3 and 4 bits and working accuracy classes 1-5 with a length of 0.1 to 100 mm. The design of the cassette for locating gage blocks from 0.5 to 100 mm and the measurement scheme on the PKM-100 comparator are described in detail. A special cassette based on a flat glass plate PI-60 was developed to base thin measures with a nominal length of 0.1 to 0.5 mm. in the second, there are channels for vacuum supply and reliable fixation of end measures with cross-sectional dimensions of 20 × 9 and 15 × 5 mm. Method and results of comparator verification confirming its technical characteristics are given, which allow to use comparator for verification of end measures of the second category.
Tags: cassette comparator end measures of length inductive converters verification индуктивные преобразователи кассета компаратор концевые меры длины поверка
Historic chapters
V. V. Rodchenkova
Stars of Analytical Instrumentation. Arnold O. Beckman DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.
Stars of Analytical Instrumentation. Arnold O. Beckman DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.