V. P. Ivanov
Union of Professionals at the Head of the Locomotive of the Domestic Industry DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.340.347
Union of Professionals at the Head of the Locomotive of the Domestic Industry DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.340.347
Exhibitions and Conferences
A. I. Saprykin, A. R. Tsygankova
Chronicle of the XI All-Russian Scientific Conference and School Analytics of Siberia and the Far East, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I. G. Yudelevich DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.390.391
Chronicle of the XI All-Russian Scientific Conference and School Analytics of Siberia and the Far East, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of I. G. Yudelevich DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.390.391
D. V. Falkin
Results of the I All-Russian Conference Accreditation. Competence - 2021. Dialogue Between Experts and Accredited Persons DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.392.394
Results of the I All-Russian Conference Accreditation. Competence - 2021. Dialogue Between Experts and Accredited Persons DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.392.394
Modern laboratory
A. E. Krylova, O. A. Lavrent’eva
The Future of High-Purity Technology is in the Safe Hands of Professionals DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.348.352
Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology for many years has been successfully working on training specialists for leading scientific institutes and chemical industries that are engaged in growing crystals. The objects of scientific research are dielectric and semiconductor crystals, including laser, nonlinear optical, electro-optical and scintillation crystals, materials for detecting radiation, etc. The department develops technologies for creating and studies the properties of organic phosphors, transparent nanostructured ceramics and glass ceramics, various composites, and also carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, jewelry crystals, etc. The head of the department Professor Igor Khristoforovich Avetisov tells about the history of the department, current successes, achievements and problems, as well as plans and prospects.
The Future of High-Purity Technology is in the Safe Hands of Professionals DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.348.352
Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology for many years has been successfully working on training specialists for leading scientific institutes and chemical industries that are engaged in growing crystals. The objects of scientific research are dielectric and semiconductor crystals, including laser, nonlinear optical, electro-optical and scintillation crystals, materials for detecting radiation, etc. The department develops technologies for creating and studies the properties of organic phosphors, transparent nanostructured ceramics and glass ceramics, various composites, and also carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, jewelry crystals, etc. The head of the department Professor Igor Khristoforovich Avetisov tells about the history of the department, current successes, achievements and problems, as well as plans and prospects.
Chemical Analysis Metrology
E. A. Novikov
So what is Measuring mean? DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.396.400
The term measuring means is considered in connection with its usage for the purpose of legal and applied metrology. The service of the State for attribution of technical means to measuring instruments is discussed. It is not provided with definite and clear interpretation of this term but based on personal opinions of experts. It is recommended to suspend usage of the term measuring means and use instead the terms given in International Vocabulary for Metrology in revised translation. The procedures verification of measuring means and calibration of measuring instruments are compared. Only the second one provides the metrological traceability of the results to appropriate references including national and international etalons.
So what is Measuring mean? DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.396.400
The term measuring means is considered in connection with its usage for the purpose of legal and applied metrology. The service of the State for attribution of technical means to measuring instruments is discussed. It is not provided with definite and clear interpretation of this term but based on personal opinions of experts. It is recommended to suspend usage of the term measuring means and use instead the terms given in International Vocabulary for Metrology in revised translation. The procedures verification of measuring means and calibration of measuring instruments are compared. Only the second one provides the metrological traceability of the results to appropriate references including national and international etalons.
Tags: calibration measuring instrument measuring means verification измерительное устройство калибровка измерительных приборов поверка средств измерения средства измерений техническое средство
Analytics of Substances and Materials
B. L. Milman, N. V. Lugovkina, I. K. Zhurkovich
Front research in chemistry. 2012-2020 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.402.408
This article continues the regular series of publications related to monitoring of progress in analytical chemistry, as well as chemistry in general. The top scientometric method is used, which scores citation and co-citation of scientific articles. The purpose of this research is to identify research fronts. In 2020, “hot” research and development in energetics, advanced materials, and organic synthesis, were continued. The long-term trend of biologization, medicalization, and miniaturization of chemical analysis was expressed in numerous articles in fields of microfluidics and sensors, as in previous years. Also, research in metabolomics and microextraction resulted in individual fronts.
Front research in chemistry. 2012-2020 DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.402.408
This article continues the regular series of publications related to monitoring of progress in analytical chemistry, as well as chemistry in general. The top scientometric method is used, which scores citation and co-citation of scientific articles. The purpose of this research is to identify research fronts. In 2020, “hot” research and development in energetics, advanced materials, and organic synthesis, were continued. The long-term trend of biologization, medicalization, and miniaturization of chemical analysis was expressed in numerous articles in fields of microfluidics and sensors, as in previous years. Also, research in metabolomics and microextraction resulted in individual fronts.
Tags: chemical analysis chemistry energetics metabolomics microextraction microfluidics nanotechnology research front scientometrics sensor метаболомика микрофлюидика микроэкстракция нанотехнологии наукометрия сенсор фронт исследований химический анализ химия энергетика
Analytical Methods and Instruments
M.M. Mukhina, Yu.V. Krylova
50 years since the launch of the first atomic absorption spectrometer AAS 1 in Jena The history of the practical use of the method began in the 1950s with a pioneering article by Australian scientist Alan Walsh, which described in detail a method for quantitatively determining the content of elements in solutions injected into an acetylene-air flame by absorbing light from selective radiation sources. Atomic absorption spectroscopy today is a simple and inexpensive high-precision method that is widely used in analytical chemistry. For five decades, scientists have worked to improve it. As a result, in 2004, Analyst Jena introduced a commercial product, the contrAA series, which revolutionized the concept of AAS as a single-cell low-throughput method. contrAA, with its appearance, opened up new possibilities of the method and became a key turning point in the development of AAS.
50 years since the launch of the first atomic absorption spectrometer AAS 1 in Jena The history of the practical use of the method began in the 1950s with a pioneering article by Australian scientist Alan Walsh, which described in detail a method for quantitatively determining the content of elements in solutions injected into an acetylene-air flame by absorbing light from selective radiation sources. Atomic absorption spectroscopy today is a simple and inexpensive high-precision method that is widely used in analytical chemistry. For five decades, scientists have worked to improve it. As a result, in 2004, Analyst Jena introduced a commercial product, the contrAA series, which revolutionized the concept of AAS as a single-cell low-throughput method. contrAA, with its appearance, opened up new possibilities of the method and became a key turning point in the development of AAS.
A. V. Puchkov
Quantitative Phase Analysis of Polymorphic Impurities in a drug substance on a Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.358.360
X-ray structural analysis is a powerful and widespread research method in various fields, for example, in crystallography, chemistry, materials science, etc. In pharmaceuticals, it is used both for research and for quality control. One of the directions is the determination of the qualitative and quantitative phase composition of medicinal substances. Polymorphic forms and hydrates differ in solubility and absorption, therefore it is important to control and evaluate their content during the development and manufacture of drugs.
Quantitative Phase Analysis of Polymorphic Impurities in a drug substance on a Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.358.360
X-ray structural analysis is a powerful and widespread research method in various fields, for example, in crystallography, chemistry, materials science, etc. In pharmaceuticals, it is used both for research and for quality control. One of the directions is the determination of the qualitative and quantitative phase composition of medicinal substances. Polymorphic forms and hydrates differ in solubility and absorption, therefore it is important to control and evaluate their content during the development and manufacture of drugs.
N. G. Terentyeva, S. A. Togushakov, E. I. Rezvan, V. A. Tereshin
A Method of Uranium, Plutonium, Neptunium and Americium Concentration Measuring in Simulating Solutions of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Atomic Emission Spectrometry With Nitrogen Microwave-Ionization Plasma DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.362.368
A method has been developed for determining the mass concentration of U, Pu, Np and Am without preliminary separation in nitric acid solutions simulating spent nuclear fuel by atomic emission spectrometry with nitrogen microwave plasma. The optimal analytical lines were selected for the joint determination of the content of U, Pu, Np and Am in solutions imitating the products of reprocessing of a closed nuclear fuel cycle.
A Method of Uranium, Plutonium, Neptunium and Americium Concentration Measuring in Simulating Solutions of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Atomic Emission Spectrometry With Nitrogen Microwave-Ionization Plasma DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.362.368
A method has been developed for determining the mass concentration of U, Pu, Np and Am without preliminary separation in nitric acid solutions simulating spent nuclear fuel by atomic emission spectrometry with nitrogen microwave plasma. The optimal analytical lines were selected for the joint determination of the content of U, Pu, Np and Am in solutions imitating the products of reprocessing of a closed nuclear fuel cycle.
Tags: americium atomic emission spectrometry with nitrogen microwave plasma neptunium plutonium simulator solution spent nuclear fuel uranium америций атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия c азотной микроволновой плазмо нептуний отработавшее ядерное топливо плутоний уран
A. Ya. Yashin
Methodology for Determining the Antioxidant Activity of Foods and Biological Fluids DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.370.384
This review systematizes information on methods and means of measuring antioxidant activity of total antioxidant content in foods, beverages and biological fluids. An indicator of the antioxidant activity of food products is needed for the creation of databases (banks) and subsequent use in antioxidant therapy. In various pathologies, the determination of the antioxidant activity of biological fluids (plasma, blood serum, saliva, urine, etc.) is necessary to assess the redox balance or antioxidant status, redox balance - the main indicator of human health and oxidative stress.
Methodology for Determining the Antioxidant Activity of Foods and Biological Fluids DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2021.11.5.370.384
This review systematizes information on methods and means of measuring antioxidant activity of total antioxidant content in foods, beverages and biological fluids. An indicator of the antioxidant activity of food products is needed for the creation of databases (banks) and subsequent use in antioxidant therapy. In various pathologies, the determination of the antioxidant activity of biological fluids (plasma, blood serum, saliva, urine, etc.) is necessary to assess the redox balance or antioxidant status, redox balance - the main indicator of human health and oxidative stress.
Tags: amperometric method antioxidant activity biological fluids chromatography database fat-soluble antioxidants food products амперометрический метод антиоксидантная активность база данных биологические жидкости жирорастворимые антиоксиданты хроматография
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