L. A. Karpyuk
A Well-Coordinated Team of Professionals is the Key to the Success of any Company https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.318.322
A Well-Coordinated Team of Professionals is the Key to the Success of any Company https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.318.322
R. Kh. Khamizov
Such Different Chemistry in Vernadsky Institute. Anniversary of the Flagship of National Science https://doi.org/ 10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.324.327
Such Different Chemistry in Vernadsky Institute. Anniversary of the Flagship of National Science https://doi.org/ 10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.324.327
Exhibitions and Conferences
Analytics of Substances and Materials
A. M. Safiulina, A. V. Lizunov, I. V. Alypov, E. I. Goryunov, T. V. Baulina, I. B. Goryunova, G. V. Bodrin, V. P. Morgalyuk, V. K. Brel, I. G. Tananaev
New Oligodentate Phosphorus-Containing Ligands: Synthesis, Complexing and Extraction Properties in Relation to f-Elements https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.340.350
New oligodentate phosphorus nitrogen compounds have been studied. Methods for the synthesis of these compounds have been developed, and their complexing and extraction properties with respect to actinides and lanthanides have been studied. It has been shown that the introduction of an additional coordinating group to the metal cation leads to a significant increase in the extraction ability of actinides. The presented studies can be the basis for the use of oligodentate phosphorus nitrogen compounds as reagents for the extraction and chromatographic separation and concentration of actinides and lanthanides from various media.
New Oligodentate Phosphorus-Containing Ligands: Synthesis, Complexing and Extraction Properties in Relation to f-Elements https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.340.350
New oligodentate phosphorus nitrogen compounds have been studied. Methods for the synthesis of these compounds have been developed, and their complexing and extraction properties with respect to actinides and lanthanides have been studied. It has been shown that the introduction of an additional coordinating group to the metal cation leads to a significant increase in the extraction ability of actinides. The presented studies can be the basis for the use of oligodentate phosphorus nitrogen compounds as reagents for the extraction and chromatographic separation and concentration of actinides and lanthanides from various media.
Tags: actinides extraction and chromatographic separations lanthanides oligodentate phosphorus nitrogen compounds актиниды лантаниды олигодентатные фосфоразотистые соединения экстракционное и хроматографическое разделение
A. N. Konilov, I. A. Novikov, N. V. Pronina, M. M. Astafieva, K. V. Van
Endogenous Organic Matter in Eclogites of the Belomorian Province. Detection, Diagnosis, Verification of Genesis ttps://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.352.359
For the first time by instrumental methods using three-dimensional electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy were studied an endogenic organic matter in the eclogites of Salma (the Belomorian eclogite province on the Baltic Shield). Two types of organic matter have been identified, one of which has obvious signs of biogenic origin (bacteria, bacterial cellulose). Exposure of the sample in an airtight container with a chemical marker (an alcoholic solution of cesium pentaborate Cs[B5O7(OH)2] · 0.5H2O) under variable temperature conditions (600 heating / cooling cycles) showed that the cesium solution is able to penetrate deep into the sample through natural collectors communicating with the sample surface (microcracks, etc.) The results of marking hidden microcollectors make it possible to differentiate superimposed biogenic forms of organic matter not related to the petrological evolution of eclogites from primary endogenic ones. In microinclusions of organic matter in which there are no morphological signs of bacterial nature, cesium content is below the detection limit by an energy-dispersive detector of a scanning electron microscope in the low vacuum mode. We assume that such forms are syngenetic with eclogites.
Endogenous Organic Matter in Eclogites of the Belomorian Province. Detection, Diagnosis, Verification of Genesis ttps://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.352.359
For the first time by instrumental methods using three-dimensional electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy were studied an endogenic organic matter in the eclogites of Salma (the Belomorian eclogite province on the Baltic Shield). Two types of organic matter have been identified, one of which has obvious signs of biogenic origin (bacteria, bacterial cellulose). Exposure of the sample in an airtight container with a chemical marker (an alcoholic solution of cesium pentaborate Cs[B5O7(OH)2] · 0.5H2O) under variable temperature conditions (600 heating / cooling cycles) showed that the cesium solution is able to penetrate deep into the sample through natural collectors communicating with the sample surface (microcracks, etc.) The results of marking hidden microcollectors make it possible to differentiate superimposed biogenic forms of organic matter not related to the petrological evolution of eclogites from primary endogenic ones. In microinclusions of organic matter in which there are no morphological signs of bacterial nature, cesium content is below the detection limit by an energy-dispersive detector of a scanning electron microscope in the low vacuum mode. We assume that such forms are syngenetic with eclogites.
Tags: 3d electron microscopy 3d-электронная микроскопия bacteria bacterial cellulose belomorian eclogite organic matter ptarmigan mount raman spectroscopy бактериальная целлюлоза бактерии беломорская провинция гора куропачья органическое вещество спектроскопия комбинационного рассеяния эклогиты салмы
Analytical Methods and Instruments
O. S. Shokhina, M. Yu. Medvedevskikh, A. S. Sergeeva
Alternative Methods For Determination of Water and Residual Organic Solvents In Pharmaceutical Substances ttps://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.360.369
The content of the active substance in pharmaceutical substances is determined in terms of an anhydrous and free from residual organic solvents (RS) substance. The State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation regulates thermogravimetry and Karl Fischer titration for measuring water content and thermogravimetry and gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection for measuring RS content. These methods have limitations in applicability and measurement results may be unreliable. The article considers alternative methods and describes the results of their testing as basic or additional. More than 30 pharmaceutical substances were analyzed using air-thermal drying, volumetric titration according to Karl Fischer method described in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation. To refine the results, the methods of thermogravimetric analysis with mass spectrometric detection (TGA-MS), high-performance liquid chromatography in combination with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and gas-liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GLC-MS) were used. The complex use of various methods on the example of the analysis of azithromycin dihydrate, cyanocobalamin, triphenylmethanol and (RS)-3-(naphthalene 1 yloxy)propan 1,2 diol was allowed to clarify the composition of impurities and conduct their quantitative assessment. Thus, the use of the described methods makes to increase the reliability of determining water and RS in the analysis of pharmaceutical substances.
Alternative Methods For Determination of Water and Residual Organic Solvents In Pharmaceutical Substances ttps://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.5.360.369
The content of the active substance in pharmaceutical substances is determined in terms of an anhydrous and free from residual organic solvents (RS) substance. The State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation regulates thermogravimetry and Karl Fischer titration for measuring water content and thermogravimetry and gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection for measuring RS content. These methods have limitations in applicability and measurement results may be unreliable. The article considers alternative methods and describes the results of their testing as basic or additional. More than 30 pharmaceutical substances were analyzed using air-thermal drying, volumetric titration according to Karl Fischer method described in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation. To refine the results, the methods of thermogravimetric analysis with mass spectrometric detection (TGA-MS), high-performance liquid chromatography in combination with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and gas-liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GLC-MS) were used. The complex use of various methods on the example of the analysis of azithromycin dihydrate, cyanocobalamin, triphenylmethanol and (RS)-3-(naphthalene 1 yloxy)propan 1,2 diol was allowed to clarify the composition of impurities and conduct their quantitative assessment. Thus, the use of the described methods makes to increase the reliability of determining water and RS in the analysis of pharmaceutical substances.
Tags: chromatography karl fischer titration loss on drying mass spectrometry pharmaceutical substance residual organic solvents thermogravimetric analysis water content масс-спектрометрия остаточные органические растворители потеря в массе при высушивании содержание воды термогравиметрический анализ титрование по методу карла фишера фармацевтическая субстанция хроматография
Personnel Training
T. A. Petrova
Courses of Sustainable Growth and Development of the RCU and RANEPA Improve the Quality of ESG Expertise The other day, the next, second in a row, advanced training course for top managers in the field of information management, analytics and projects Media Communications and PR Management in the Framework of ESG Transformation completed its work. The project participants were the largest companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and construction industries: Titan Group, Boiron, Grotex, Biocad, Respiratory Complex and Inteko. Interest in the course was shown by authoritative media that successfully develop the theme of sustainable development: RBC, the CorpPort online publication and the platform Sustainable development.
Courses of Sustainable Growth and Development of the RCU and RANEPA Improve the Quality of ESG Expertise The other day, the next, second in a row, advanced training course for top managers in the field of information management, analytics and projects Media Communications and PR Management in the Framework of ESG Transformation completed its work. The project participants were the largest companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and construction industries: Titan Group, Boiron, Grotex, Biocad, Respiratory Complex and Inteko. Interest in the course was shown by authoritative media that successfully develop the theme of sustainable development: RBC, the CorpPort online publication and the platform Sustainable development.
Modern laboratory
A. E. Kamenshchikov, M. B. Sveshnikov
Provision of Analytical Laboratories with Equipment, Materials and Support in Modern Conditions The market of analytical equipment has undergone major changes this year, and in a difficult economic situation, consumers and suppliers are faced with the impossibility of continuing long-term cooperation with the vast majority of global corporations. Our company is no exception, and in this article I would like to share my impressions, decisions, as well as some plans.
Provision of Analytical Laboratories with Equipment, Materials and Support in Modern Conditions The market of analytical equipment has undergone major changes this year, and in a difficult economic situation, consumers and suppliers are faced with the impossibility of continuing long-term cooperation with the vast majority of global corporations. Our company is no exception, and in this article I would like to share my impressions, decisions, as well as some plans.
Tags: analytical laboratory digital platform equipment аналитическая лаборатория оборудование цифровая платформа
Historic chapters
V. P. Kolotov, N. S. Bezaeva
Analytical Chemistry on Earth, in the Ocean and in Space. To the 75th Anniversary of Vernadsky Institute Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry is one of the largest institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vernadsky Institute is a leading research center in the field of geochemistry, analytical chemistry, radiochemistry, biogeochemistry and ecology, cosmochemistry, lunar and planetary and marine research.
The history and outstanding scientists of the Institute, the directions of scientific research and development over 75 years of successful work are told by Vladimir Panteleimonovich Kolotov, Scientific Director of the Geochemical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the direction of Analytical Chemistry, and Natalya Sregeevna Bezaeva, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry.
Analytical Chemistry on Earth, in the Ocean and in Space. To the 75th Anniversary of Vernadsky Institute Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry is one of the largest institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vernadsky Institute is a leading research center in the field of geochemistry, analytical chemistry, radiochemistry, biogeochemistry and ecology, cosmochemistry, lunar and planetary and marine research.
The history and outstanding scientists of the Institute, the directions of scientific research and development over 75 years of successful work are told by Vladimir Panteleimonovich Kolotov, Scientific Director of the Geochemical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the direction of Analytical Chemistry, and Natalya Sregeevna Bezaeva, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry.