Exhibitions and Conferences
Yu. A. Zolotov, V. P. Kolotov, V. I. Shirokova
4th Congress of Russian Analysts: Results and Some Reflections https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.392.395
4th Congress of Russian Analysts: Results and Some Reflections https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.392.395
Modern laboratory
A. M. Kuchkin
Modern Russian Analytical Laboratory: Learning to Live in a New Way This year, the market for analytical equipment has undergone major changes. Suppliers and consumers have lost the opportunity to continue long-term cooperation with most corporations – world leaders in analytical instrumentation. A large segment of modern technology turned out to be inaccessible to both research scientists and testing laboratories. How to solve the problems that have arisen, how to act in the current situation, how to avoid typical mistakes during the transition period? This article is devoted to these and other important issues.
Modern Russian Analytical Laboratory: Learning to Live in a New Way This year, the market for analytical equipment has undergone major changes. Suppliers and consumers have lost the opportunity to continue long-term cooperation with most corporations – world leaders in analytical instrumentation. A large segment of modern technology turned out to be inaccessible to both research scientists and testing laboratories. How to solve the problems that have arisen, how to act in the current situation, how to avoid typical mistakes during the transition period? This article is devoted to these and other important issues.
Tags: analytical laboratory chromatograph measuring equipment spectrometer аналитическая лаборатория измерительное оборудование спектрометр хроматограф
A. A. Burdeinyi, I. V. Dyumaeva
What Should be a Modern Laboratory Information Management System? https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.432.438
The experience accumulated by laboratories in the use of laboratory information management systems (LIMS / LIMS) allows us to think about the correct practice of planning their implementation in terms of goal setting based on the current tasks of laboratories, as well as an idea of the medium-term development of laboratory departments and / or companies as a whole. The future vision of LIMS directly depends on the technologies and capabilities that are in demand today, existing development trends and objective limitations that determine the possibility of using LIMS as an automation tool or preparing a basis for digitalization of laboratory units with its help.
What Should be a Modern Laboratory Information Management System? https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.432.438
The experience accumulated by laboratories in the use of laboratory information management systems (LIMS / LIMS) allows us to think about the correct practice of planning their implementation in terms of goal setting based on the current tasks of laboratories, as well as an idea of the medium-term development of laboratory departments and / or companies as a whole. The future vision of LIMS directly depends on the technologies and capabilities that are in demand today, existing development trends and objective limitations that determine the possibility of using LIMS as an automation tool or preparing a basis for digitalization of laboratory units with its help.
Tags: digitalization digital transformation laboratory information management systems (lims/lims) lims functionality lims integration sample life cycle жизненный цикл образца интеграция лимс лабораторные информационные менеджмент-системы (лимс / lims) функциональные возможности лимс цифровая трансформация цифровизация
Analytics of Substances and Materials
Ya. V. Kuminova, V. A. Filichkina, M. N. Filippov, A. S. Kozlov
X–ray Fluorescence Analysis of Kaolin Clays – Raw Materials for the Production of Metallurgical Alumina https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.396.403
When introducing high-silicon raw materials into new technological schemes for the production of metallurgical alumina, an important task is the development and organization of input control on a production scale. The main requirements for the analysis in this case are express, multi-element, accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The method that satisfies all the above requirements is the X-ray fluorescence method of analysis (XRF analysis), which has proven itself well in the analysis of multicomponent geological objects. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the sample preparation stage and the choice of analysis conditions on the results obtained, as applied to kaolin clays. The attrition time of the samples was determined, the XRF analysis conditions were chosen, the limits of detection and the lower limits of the determined contents were established. The correctness of the XRF analysis results for kaolin clays obtained under the selected conditions was assessed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectral analysis.
X–ray Fluorescence Analysis of Kaolin Clays – Raw Materials for the Production of Metallurgical Alumina https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.396.403
When introducing high-silicon raw materials into new technological schemes for the production of metallurgical alumina, an important task is the development and organization of input control on a production scale. The main requirements for the analysis in this case are express, multi-element, accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The method that satisfies all the above requirements is the X-ray fluorescence method of analysis (XRF analysis), which has proven itself well in the analysis of multicomponent geological objects. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the sample preparation stage and the choice of analysis conditions on the results obtained, as applied to kaolin clays. The attrition time of the samples was determined, the XRF analysis conditions were chosen, the limits of detection and the lower limits of the determined contents were established. The correctness of the XRF analysis results for kaolin clays obtained under the selected conditions was assessed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectral analysis.
Tags: kaolin clays metallurgical alumina sample preparation x-ray fluorescence analysis каолиновые глины металлургический глинозем пробоподготовка рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ
T. A. Maryutina, O. N. Katasonova, O. B. Mokhodoeva, K. B. Ossipov
Sorption and Extraction Methods for Recovery of Palladium, Platinum and Gold from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.404.408
Sorption and extraction methods for recovery of noble metals from hydrochloric acid solutions using anion exchanger DIAION™ UBA 120 and trioctylamine with nitrogen-containing functional groups are compared. The conditions of selective recovery of palladium, platinum and gold from model waste solutions containing macrocontents of copper, nickel, iron, lead, selenium, tellurium, as well as chloride-ion up to 200 g / L have been determined.
Sorption and Extraction Methods for Recovery of Palladium, Platinum and Gold from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.404.408
Sorption and extraction methods for recovery of noble metals from hydrochloric acid solutions using anion exchanger DIAION™ UBA 120 and trioctylamine with nitrogen-containing functional groups are compared. The conditions of selective recovery of palladium, platinum and gold from model waste solutions containing macrocontents of copper, nickel, iron, lead, selenium, tellurium, as well as chloride-ion up to 200 g / L have been determined.
Tags: gold liquid extraction palladium platinum sorption tertiary and quaternary amines жидкостная экстракция золото палладий платина сорбция третичные и четвертичные амины
A. G. Revenko, G. V. Pashkova
Application of X-ray Fluorescence Analysis to Study the Composition of Coal and Ash This review briefly discusses advances in the development of equipment for X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), sample preparation methods, mutual influences of elements, and also gives examples of the use of XRF to determine the elemental composition of coals and ashes of various origins. Special attention is paid to the XRF variant with total external reflection.
Application of X-ray Fluorescence Analysis to Study the Composition of Coal and Ash This review briefly discusses advances in the development of equipment for X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), sample preparation methods, mutual influences of elements, and also gives examples of the use of XRF to determine the elemental composition of coals and ashes of various origins. Special attention is paid to the XRF variant with total external reflection.
Tags: coal and ash elemental composition x-ray fluorescence analysis рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ уголь и зола элементный состав
Analytical Methods and Instruments
V. A. Davankov, A. Ya. Yashin, Ya. I. Yashin
Current Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Methods https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.420.426
Modern HPLC methods and their application in vital areas are described: metabolomics, pharmacokinetics, doping control, forensic chemistry, microbiome determination, diagnostics of dangerous diseases by markers. A list of new trends in HPLC is given. Thus, HPLC methods are the guardians of human health, the quality of food, medicines and environmental safety.
Current Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Methods https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.420.426
Modern HPLC methods and their application in vital areas are described: metabolomics, pharmacokinetics, doping control, forensic chemistry, microbiome determination, diagnostics of dangerous diseases by markers. A list of new trends in HPLC is given. Thus, HPLC methods are the guardians of human health, the quality of food, medicines and environmental safety.
Tags: disease markers doping control food control medicine metabolomics new hplc methods pharmaceuticals pharmacokinetics допинг-контроль контроль пищи маркеры заболеваний медицина метаболомика новые методы вэжх фармакокинетика фармацевтика
Personnel Training
T. N. Shekhovtsova
Analytical Chemistry Teaching in Russian Universities: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.440.444
Brief analysis of the current state of analytical chemistry teaching in leading Russian Universities according to different educational programs: specialty, bachelor’s degree, master“s degree, is presented. The experience of distant student training, acquired and accumulated by analytical chemistry departments in recent years has been generalized. Positive and negative aspects of such form of training are discussed. The nearest plans of the development of the higher education in the country and the changes taking place in this regard in M. V. Lomonosov MSU are considered.
Analytical Chemistry Teaching in Russian Universities: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.440.444
Brief analysis of the current state of analytical chemistry teaching in leading Russian Universities according to different educational programs: specialty, bachelor’s degree, master“s degree, is presented. The experience of distant student training, acquired and accumulated by analytical chemistry departments in recent years has been generalized. Positive and negative aspects of such form of training are discussed. The nearest plans of the development of the higher education in the country and the changes taking place in this regard in M. V. Lomonosov MSU are considered.
Tags: analytical chemistry teaching bachelor‘s degree distant training educational programs: specialty master“s degree; general and special courses prospects of the higher education development бакалавриат дистанционное обучение магистратура; общий и специальные курсы перспективы развития высшего образования преподавание аналитической химии; образовательные программы: спе
D. A. Kozlov
Scanning Electron Microscopy for Studying the Microstructure of Materials: the Course of Professional Training Program at the IGIC RAS Since from 2022, professional training program Scanning electron microscopy for studying the microstructure of materials implemented at the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC RAS). The course was developed by the scientists of the Institute and includes both the theoretical foundations of the method and practical exercises, including on a specialized simulator
Scanning Electron Microscopy for Studying the Microstructure of Materials: the Course of Professional Training Program at the IGIC RAS Since from 2022, professional training program Scanning electron microscopy for studying the microstructure of materials implemented at the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC RAS). The course was developed by the scientists of the Institute and includes both the theoretical foundations of the method and practical exercises, including on a specialized simulator
Historic chapters
E. M. Senchenkova
Works of M. S. Tswett in the Perception of Colleagues After His Life. To the 150th Anniversary of the Creator of Chromatography https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.450.459
In 2022, the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Semenovich Tswett (1872–1919) – a physiologist and biochemist of plants, the founder of the chromatographic analysis method. Today, this method has become widespread and is used in many scientific and industrial industries and areas of the economy. The history of the creation of the method is very complex and contradictory. We talked earlier about the attitude to the works of Tswett of his contemporaries, or rather, about the attitude of the scientific community of those years to a colleague with extraordinary abilities and to his scientific views, often ahead of time. In this message, we will talk about the difficult fate of the discovery of chromatography.
Works of M. S. Tswett in the Perception of Colleagues After His Life. To the 150th Anniversary of the Creator of Chromatography https://doi.org/10.22184/2227-572X.2022.12.6.450.459
In 2022, the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Semenovich Tswett (1872–1919) – a physiologist and biochemist of plants, the founder of the chromatographic analysis method. Today, this method has become widespread and is used in many scientific and industrial industries and areas of the economy. The history of the creation of the method is very complex and contradictory. We talked earlier about the attitude to the works of Tswett of his contemporaries, or rather, about the attitude of the scientific community of those years to a colleague with extraordinary abilities and to his scientific views, often ahead of time. In this message, we will talk about the difficult fate of the discovery of chromatography.
Tags: biochemistry chlorophyll chromatographic adsorption analysis chromatography history of chromatography биохимия история хроматографии хлорофилл хроматографический адсорбционный анализ хроматография
Annual Issue