Modern Approaches to Measuring the Mass Concentration of 1,1‑Dimethylhydrazine in Water Using Chromatographic Methods
This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of chromatographic approaches proposed in the scientific literature for the determination of 1,1 dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) in water with the aim of providing information that can be useful in the development of highly sensitive methods for measuring the mass concentration of UDMH in water bodies at levels corresponding to current hygienic standards. The use of methods of high-performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry with pre-column derivatization of the analyte can be considered promising. There are few official methods for quantitative determination of NDMH in aqueous samples that meet the necessary metrological requirements.
Tags: 1 1 dimethylhydrazine 1 диметилгидразин analysis derivatization gas chromatography hplc ion chromatography tandem mass spectrometry water анализ вода вэжх газовая хроматография дериватизация ионная хроматография тандемная масс-спектрометрия
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