The results obtained in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, geology, etc. when analyzing matrix materials are expressed in relative units – the mass fraction of the corresponding element or compound (kg/kg, percentage, etc.). In accordance with the measurement algorithm, the results are traced to the SI unit of mass kilogram.
The metrological characteristics of laboratory balances are important when assessing the uncertainty of the analytical result. It is shown that their calibration is preferable to verification.
Calibration of universal-­purpose analytical instruments is carried out individually with each batch of samples. Accuracy control procedures using CRMs, performed on a regular basis in measurement procedures, confirm the metrological traceability of results. The need for annual verification of analytical instruments in this case seems inappropriate and redundant.

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Issue #2/2024
V. V. Stepanovskikh
Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results of Metallurgical Materials Chemical Composition. Practical Questions

The results obtained in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, geology, etc. when analyzing matrix materials are expressed in relative units – the mass fraction of the corresponding element or compound (kg/kg, percentage, etc.). In accordance with the measurement algorithm, the results are traced to the SI unit of mass kilogram.
The metrological characteristics of laboratory balances are important when assessing the uncertainty of the analytical result. It is shown that their calibration is preferable to verification.
Calibration of universal-­purpose analytical instruments is carried out individually with each batch of samples. Accuracy control procedures using CRMs, performed on a regular basis in measurement procedures, confirm the metrological traceability of results. The need for annual verification of analytical instruments in this case seems inappropriate and redundant.

Tags:   calibration   certified reference materials   measurements of chemical composition   measurement techniques   reliability of measurement results   verification of measuring instruments   градуировка   достоверность результатов измерений   калибровка   определение химического состава   сертифицированные стандартные образцы

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