DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.

For more than 10 years, IMC Group has been supplying analytical equipment for industry and scientific applications. The company“s specialists offer customized technical solutions, have experience in installations and routine service procedures Specialists can develop methods of analysis and measurements, conduct training for customer personnel and implement devices in practice. One of the activities of the IMC Group company is the supply, installation and maintenance of analytical equipment from the Chinese company Hunan Sundy Science and Technology Co.

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Issue #3/2024
С. А. Назимов
Analytical and Sample Preparation Equipment SUNDY
DOI: 10.22184/2227-572X.2024.

For more than 10 years, IMC Group has been supplying analytical equipment for industry and scientific applications. The company“s specialists offer customized technical solutions, have experience in installations and routine service procedures Specialists can develop methods of analysis and measurements, conduct training for customer personnel and implement devices in practice. One of the activities of the IMC Group company is the supply, installation and maintenance of analytical equipment from the Chinese company Hunan Sundy Science and Technology Co.

Tags:   analysis of ores   analysis of the physical properties of coal and coke   calorimetry   metals and alloys   organic materials   sample preparation   sundy equipment   анализ руд   анализ физических свой­ств угля и кокса   калориметрия   металлов и сплавов   оборудование sundy   органических материалов   пробоподготовка

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