Study of a Wide Class of Organic Compounds by Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry
Chromatography-mass spectrometry is an analytical method based on a combination of the capabilities of chromatography for the separation of substances and mass spectrometry, which uses their spectral characteristics for the qualitative and quantitative determination of individual components in complex mixtures. A brief historical background on the development of mass spectrometry, the types of main components of the mass spectrometer and a description of the operation of the chromatography-mass spectrometer using the example of the Kristallux 4000M-Maestro-αMS device, as well as its technical characteristics are provided. The applications of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer and some specific measurement techniques are listed.
Tags: capillary column chromatography identification of components of mixtures mass spectrometry идентификация компонентов смесей капиллярная колонка масс-спектрометрия хроматография
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