Issue #6/2024
M. D. Soloveva, V. A. Lapin, A. V. Astakhov
Laboratory Setups for Studying the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Petrochemistry
Laboratory Setups for Studying the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Petrochemistry
The article considers the current groups of catalysts used in petrochemistry, and raises the problem of the lack of domestically produced testing equipment on the Russian market. As a partial solution, the equipment of the Meta-сhrom company is proposed for studying the physicochemical and mechanical properties of heterogeneous catalysts. The developed solutions are described, with an emphasis on their innovative aspects and capabilities, which can significantly improve the quality of research and testing of catalysts. The importance of creating competitive equipment to support the domestic petrochemical industry is emphasized.
Tags: air jet attrition catalysts catalytic cracking fluidized bed hydrocracking hydrotreating гидрокрегинг гидроочистка истирание воздушной струей катализаторы каталитический крекинг псевдоожиженный слой
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The article considers the current groups of catalysts used in petrochemistry, and raises the problem of the lack of domestically produced testing equipment on the Russian market. As a partial solution, the equipment of the Meta-сhrom company is proposed for studying the physicochemical and mechanical properties of heterogeneous catalysts. The developed solutions are described, with an emphasis on their innovative aspects and capabilities, which can significantly improve the quality of research and testing of catalysts. The importance of creating competitive equipment to support the domestic petrochemical industry is emphasized.
Tags: air jet attrition catalysts catalytic cracking fluidized bed hydrocracking hydrotreating гидрокрегинг гидроочистка истирание воздушной струей катализаторы каталитический крекинг псевдоожиженный слой
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