SPF SIMEX (Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok) specializes in the development and production of infra-red spectral devices, of which the most popular are: FT 801 FT-IR spectrometer, MICRAN series IR microscopes for working with micro-­objects from 5 microns, MATR and ATR attachments (with diamond and other crystals, with heated diamond and a temperature controller, with ultraviolet irradiation of the sample), an RLC attachment for express analysis of liquids with online adjustment of the layer thickness by absorption, as well as with a magnetic cell for quantitative analysis at four layer thicknesses liquids, attachment of diffuse reflection PRIZ, which additionally implements one of the methods of IR microscopy – the method of double passage through the sample, rolled on a mirror substrate. 560 devices of the SIMEX company operate today in 140 cities of Russia and abroad.
multiple broken total internal reflection

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Лебедев А.Т., Артеменко К.А., Самгина Т.Ю.
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Issue #2/2021
Carousel – a New Attachment of the Company SIMEX With Automatic Feeding of Samples During Registration Transmission Spectra on FT 801 / 803 FT-IR Spectrometers
SPF SIMEX (Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok) specializes in the development and production of infra-red spectral devices, of which the most popular are: FT 801 FT-IR spectrometer, MICRAN series IR microscopes for working with micro-­objects from 5 microns, MATR and ATR attachments (with diamond and other crystals, with heated diamond and a temperature controller, with ultraviolet irradiation of the sample), an RLC attachment for express analysis of liquids with online adjustment of the layer thickness by absorption, as well as with a magnetic cell for quantitative analysis at four layer thicknesses liquids, attachment of diffuse reflection PRIZ, which additionally implements one of the methods of IR microscopy – the method of double passage through the sample, rolled on a mirror substrate. 560 devices of the SIMEX company operate today in 140 cities of Russia and abroad.
multiple broken total internal reflection
Carousel – a New Attachment of the Company SIMEX With Automatic Feeding of Samples During Registration Transmission Spectra on FT 801 / 803 FT-IR Spectrometers
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Разработка: студия Green Art