Issue #4/2021
FeO Analysis in Iron Ore Sinters Using the XRD Channel on Multi-Channel XRF Spectrometer Simultix15
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is a fast and accurate method of analysis that meets all the modern requirements of the metallurgical industry. The article presents an integrated approach implemented in the Simultix15 Rigaku multichannel X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with wavelength dispersion. For the quantitative determination of the content of ferrous oxide in the iron ore agglomerate, the spectrometer provides a mode using X-ray diffraction. Other components of the samples are determined on the same instrument using X-ray spectral channels. Calibration plots and repeatability test results are shown.
Теги: calibration characteristic iron ore agglomerate multichannel wave-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer x-ray diffraction агломерат железной руды градуировочная характеристика многоканальный волнодисперсионный рентгенофлуоресцентный спектро рентгеновская дифракция
FeO Analysis in Iron Ore Sinters Using the XRD Channel on Multi-Channel XRF Spectrometer Simultix15
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